MovieChat Forums > The Karate Kid (2010) Discussion > Why does so many people like this more t...

Why does so many people like this more than the original???

This is by far the worst fu*king remake ever. It fu*king copied off almost everything off the original, and I hated how they chose twelve year old actors for this movie instead of eighteen year old's. This is just a wimpy piece o' sh*t, especially with Justin Bieber singing during the credits.


This movie totally lacks the spirit (most important part) of the original... the wisdom of Mr Miyagi and the true message that Daniel learns about karate.

"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the valiant never taste of death but once"


Maybe is something called opinion.


I loved this movie because dre fought back with more passion and was more focused/ dedicated to revert back. Dre was also more fearless than daniel. When somebody is tense under pressure they dont tend to pick up skills as quick so i guess thats why dre was more skillful and entertaining to watch. Jaden was impressive. Hilary swanks character was crude to her master so i lost respect for thsat and the fighting skills wasnt as impressive as jadens


I would say more people like the original than the remake.


I would say more people like the original than the remake.

Yeah, i doubt anyone else would say otherwise.

the 1984 film will be remembered by many unlike this movie which is forgettable as i can pretty much guarantee this 2010 movie don't have the staying power that the 1984 movie does. i think the 2010's only real appeal will be amongst kids for the most part since kids are involved with it instead of that more late teens looking type.

personally i think the only Karate Kid movies worth mentioning are...

1.The Karate Kid (1984) - 7/10 (a solid thumbs up)
2.The Karate Kid Part III (1989) - 6/10 (a mild thumbs up) (this movie is a bit underrated if you ask me as the bad guys help elevate it. it's got a 4.8/10 average right now and should be more in the mid 5's area if you ask me)

everything else is average/forgettable. although i used to like The Karate Kid Part II (1986) when i was in my teens and maybe into my 20's a bit, but not anymore. ill be 35 years old later this month.

also, even the 1984/1989 movies, while i still like them, are not as good for me nowadays as they once where. but i would say even for people who are not familiar with The Karate Kid movies will probably like the 1984 movie as it's a good family movie and just a good movie in general that stands the test of time. although i will say when i was a kid the fight scenes where a bit more intense/effective than they are nowadays as you can see they are pretty basic now but i guess that's part of the magic of being a kid as i think if i was a kid or close to it, there is a decent chance i might have liked the 2010 movie.

p.s. i actually just finished re-watching The Karate Kid Part III (1989) just now.

My IMDb Movie Lists etc =


It's an enjoyable movie. It's fun. It's new. There's nothing wrong with it.

On November 6, 2012...God blessed America


'There's nothing wrong with it' ! Apart from the fact that it's called the Karate kid and he learns Kung Fu !!

Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory


It's an enjoyable movie. It's fun. It's new. There's nothing wrong with it.

well 0 out of 4 ain't too impressive



I'm pretty sure most people prefer the original over the remake.

Personally, the only thing I like better about the remake is the setting.




I never really loved the old version. I didn't grow up with it, so it doesn't have the nostalgia factor that it has for many other people. That being said, I think both versions are good and bring a lot to the table. Both can exist without having to compete. It's not like this was Karate Kid 3 or 4, thank goodness.

What I liked more about this version is that I felt like I was learning more. In the original, I was watching Daniel learn; in this one, I was learning with Dre. I finished watching the movie with a hankering to learn more about Chinese culture and language. I just never felt like that after the original. I don't mind the age differences with the characters. I thought both worked well, but in different ways. I do wish they could have found a slightly better actor that Jayden Smith, though.

But, yes, Justin Bieber "singing" during the end credits, especially with Jayden trying along with him, was just ridiculous.


I agree about Justin Bieber, and to an extent about the original, but I think this movie was very good for its time. I will say, there is one thing I liked about this movie compared to the original, and that is that Dre was focused and obviously willing to learn about karate. In the training scenes, you could tell he was striving to get better. With Daniel in the original, I didn't get that vibe. Daniel just seemed to think it would all come to him, and he ended up winning his matches by being lucky his opponent wasn't in position to counter his attack. At least Dre throughout the match showed he was going to be a tough customer to deal with.


Great answer.!
I watched the original and the this one in the same day and this one was more entertaining and the characters were better.

"Do you even remember what you came here to find?"


My sentiments exactly.
And the song at the end wasn't *that* bad, but it definitely could have been better.

"Do you even remember what you came here to find?"


Jaden Smith executed himself well as did the other Asian child actors in The Karate Kid both in the acting and the action: there's not a moment that he and the other kids weren't believable in what they were saying or doing. That's what good acting is. Folks bitch about Jaden because his father created an opportunity for him which people make out to be a crime. Parents have every right to create opportinities for their children whether they are actors or farmers or any other profession. And when major stars like Smith and Jackie Chan sign on to get films made lots and lots of people get employed because of it and can earn a living.

A story about a black family that moves to China and navigates the initial cultural divide is a brilliant and very modern day and relevant fish-out-of-water concept. A boy that overcomes bullying which is part and parcel of growing up? That's a timeless narrative construct that played out very well and that lots of kids who saw the flick could relate to.

I could care less about the original film just as I have no nostalgia for the original Mad Max and bitching about 'acting' or that it's some weird afront to the Mr. Miagi character - the hell? - and all the other nitpicking is bullocks. This film rocked it. And yeah, global box office proves it.
