MovieChat Forums > Outer Range (2022) Discussion > Was about to stop viewing, but it is pic...

Was about to stop viewing, but it is picking up...

I was just about ready to stop viewing but watched the latest two episodes and it is gaining in interest.

In the latest episode, it was interesting how Josh Brolin's character spoke quite a bit but with few words.

I just hope it does not and with some sort of arbitrary ending that won't be resolved if it doesn't get a Season 2 (I'm really hoping this is just a one season limited series).


Me too!


About to give up. The slowness feels so contrived because I think 10/10 humans would at least tell their spouse and children about this strange, magical, wormhole that you just fell through and came out a live. LOL! Keeping all to himself is just not believable in relation to real humans, the audience. So I don't mind a slow developing plot, but this fact just adds to the agony.


I'm with you on this. I am about done with it. It is all over the place and doesn't seem to be going anywhere. I can enjoy a slow developing story but this show is severely trying my patience. And what really sucks is I really like Brolin, Taylor and Patton. Patton is tearing it up.


I'm on episode 6 right now. Okay, I'm a sadist. LOL! It's still pissing me off. His wife feels alone, feels he (Brolin) shuts her out. That scene in the stable where she says she just wants to be alone, and Brolin is telling her how's nothing without her. I just roll my eyes, like OMFG, why are you keeping this a secret??? That fight in the kitchen near the end of the episode between Brolin and his two sons. Again, OMFG!!! Your family is falling apart. Wouldn't revelation of the hole be something that can galvanize the family, and get everybody on the same page? Then again, I'm just thinking like a real human, and these characters are just following script. They have orders to drag this out. LOL!


If you haven't seen it yet, the latest episodes (7 and 8) reveal why he's been keeping it a secret from everyone... it's a much deeper plot than him just recently being pushed into the hole and seeing the future. In case you're curious, here's a small spoiler:

He reveals that he's known about the hole since he was a kid; ever since he jumped into it at 8 years old back in the late 1800s only to emerge from it in 1968! And Autumn is revealed to be exactly who I thought she was from the start!


Your little spoiler did get me to watch the rest. LOL! Still a bundle of confusion. I had to read this article to get an explanation.

I would have preferred Royal's back story like this... He was searching for treasure in the 1980's with his little brother Mikey, treasure belonging to a legend named One-Eyed Willie. In their little treasure hunting crew, there was a fat kid named Chunk, and an Asian boy named Data. During the course of battling villains on a discovered shipwreck, he fell into a portal and went back in time to 1968.


Just watching this latest episode, and it really sucks.
I thought it was kind of cool for a few episodes too, but it has too much nonsense to it.
I'm out.


A good show can you give answers while still keeping the mystery alive. I just finished the last episode and we get some twists but no actual answers. Just more things to wonder about. Remember when he got pushed into the hole, showed up a couple of years in the future and got shot at? I did but apparently the writers didn't. You have characters running around acting weird just for the sake of acting weird, and by the end none of the characters' motivations makes any sense. I think some of these reveals should have happened midseason and then the rest could focus on whatever they have in mind for next season. It was too stretched out. The murder cover-up took up way too much time. I want to like it because it has all the makings of a good show on paper. Great actor in the lead role, intriguing mystery, good setting, etc.

Also the scene where Lili Taylor is yelling at the cop about Amy being missing was RIDICULOUS.


The thing that is so irritating about this show is just when it becomes a convoluted mess something compelling happens to either sort of make sense or keep my interest, however, it looks like there are only 8 episodes and with what has been shown so far, for me at least, I don't think I'll be turning in to Season 2 (if a Season 2 is even on the horizon - I wouldn't be surprised if it is canceled).


A good show can you give answers while still keeping the mystery alive. I just finished the last episode and we get some twists but no actual answers. Just more things to wonder about.

I agree with this. Too many things left unexplained by the end of the season. In fact, it seems like Season 1 really needed at least one or two more episodes to explain at least some of the mysteries that were presented in earlier episodes.
