MovieChat Forums > Cold in July (2014) Discussion > Anybody think the same?

Anybody think the same?

It seemed a little surreal to me that Richard teamed up in the raid to kill Russel's son and his gang.
In the beginning, Richard seemed to have a hard time getting over the fact that he shot an intruder.
Then he suddenly goes all Rambo on those mobsters?
Seeing him storm that fort in the end, being aware of the danger, seemed a little out of character.
I could understand Jim's motives for helping Russel as they were best friends and Russel saved Jim's life.
But Richard had no obligations to Russel.
Russel even threatened the safety of his family. So why should he risk his life for Russel? What's in it for him?

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I thought it was a little crazy they decided to attack them at all just to "do the right thing." They were in no danger and the bad guys had no idea these people existed. Sure it sucks that this is happening to girls but it seemed like a hell of a risky decision to just kill everybody. It's the mafia, now they actually are in huge danger. Liked the film a lot especially the cinematography and soundtrack but it definitely had issues. I still want to know who the hell was the guy in the coffin. Just a random burglar I suppose.
