Dragged out of bed scene

is it me or no one comments on that particular scene here?
easily the climax of the movie for me, even more than the ending
i mean, WTF, an invisible force is dragging you out of your bed, Katie screams of horrow were brutally realistic to me
one thing was to open doors and made footsteps noises but that was seriously screwed up
made the movie for me


Katie being dragged outta the bed totally caught me off-guard too. Featherston played the scene with finesse. Very well done.


Yes I agree. And with the lights out it gave the impression she was being swallowed into a deep, dark pit.

The Hobbit 12 minute footage BREAKDOWN-


The scene has been quite neglected here. It was one of the few scenes that actually scared me and her reaction was very realistic.

"It's better to be hated for who you are than be loved for who you aren't."


yeah, that would have easily been the most important scene in the film... 'cept we all saw it happen in the trailer. kinda ruined it for me. wasnt a whole lot to ruin tho


That's part of why I don't watch movie trailers. The most i'll do is look up a summary of a movie before I see it. I avoid trailers, because usually they're either highly misleading or they put all the best stuff in the trailer so it isn't as good when you see the movie. I advise everyone to avoid movie trailers whenever possible.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
- Goethe


The scene has been quite neglected here. It was one of the few scenes that actually scared me and her reaction was very realistic.

This. My favorite scene tied only with the footprints scene. 

"I'm the ultimate badass,you do NOT wanna f-ck wit me!"Hudson,Aliens😬


I didn't see that scene in the trailer, so it almost made me wet my pants in terror!
Easily one of the scariest scenes. Katie pulled it off perfectly, as did the filmmakers. They didn't use but a smidgen of horrible CGI for the entire film. Bless their ambitious (and likely budget-minded) hearts.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."



I think of this scene frequently when I'm lying in bed if I wake up in the middle of the night. I have to keep my leg covered up now all the time because I guess I feel like that is my protection from getting dragged out of bed and down the hallway. HAHA.

UGH! That movie was just spooky all around.


Lmao I always cover myself with blankets after I watch scary movies for "protection".


This scene and the one where we hear the Demon running off down the hallway THUD THUD! THUD! THUD! THUD! that sends chills down my spin everytime. Joking wise I think that if that dragged out of bed scene was in one of the Scary Movie movies. Then the guy in the bed would have got up real quick like, had a quick survey of what was going on, then head for the nearest bedroom window and taken a commando dive through the pane of glass into the garden and ran off.

"Ich bin ein Sheepshagger!" - Jamesie Cotter


yeah, that fat lard being dragged out of bed freaked me out too. But I think the scariest part had to be when the door moved 3 inches.

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'


Fat lard? Katie was fat? Okayy, I respect your opinion but I disagree with you on that. She had a very nice figure IMHO. As for the OP, that scene was probably the scariest moment in the film. After that happened, I was like: "They're screwed." Actually when the expert told him it was too late, that was pretty much it.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.


well the demon was walking so footsteps, yeah, I guess so. Scared the hell out of me! :)


I loved how the bedroom door slammed by itself, but Katie being dragged outta bed by the demon was the crown jewel of scares, in my opinion. I thought the movie was better for scares than in PA3. Many of the scenes are of the bedroom in PA, and in PA3, Many of the scenes are of the girls' room. The room was quiet in PA, and that added to the spookiness. PA3 had the fish tank bubbling in the girls' room, which diminished the scares.
