Dragged out of bed scene

is it me or no one comments on that particular scene here?
easily the climax of the movie for me, even more than the ending
i mean, WTF, an invisible force is dragging you out of your bed, Katie screams of horrow were brutally realistic to me
one thing was to open doors and made footsteps noises but that was seriously screwed up
made the movie for me


Didn't scare me at all. My wife and I were laughing so hard during that scene. Here screaming made it even better. The movie was pretty boring up to that point. I was hoping we would get more scenes like that, but it didn't happen. Even you want to see a women being dragged and through around by invisible forces watch The Entity or Drag Me To Hell. Both movies are scarier and more exciting then PA overall.


I agree, that was just so scary

Saving People. Hunting Things. The Family Business



That was certainly a very effective scene. Katie really sold it.

What do you think this is, a signature? It's a way of life!


Yeah that was an incredible scene. Her screams were just perfect, made it feel so real.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
- Goethe


It was so effective as a movie scare technique that James Wan used it in The Conjuring.

Utah! Get me two.


My favorite scene! An incredible hysterical moment.


I didn't find it scary at all..However the scenes where Katie's standing up at the end of the bed and just staring at the wall for hours on end in the video..Now that was creepy. Especially the last time she did it when she was there the longest..Demonic possession would be a lot scarier then getting dragged


Are we intended to think that when she is dragged out of bed Katie is then promptly violated by the demon, JoBeth Williams-style, before Micah recovers her? Which initiates a creeping possession, as it appears. It was my immediate thought but I haven't seen it mentioned.

"I beseech ye in the bowels of Christ, think that ye may be mistaken."


Are we intended to think that when she is dragged out of bed Katie is then promptly violated by the demon, JoBeth Williams-style, before Micah recovers her? Which initiates a creeping possession, as it appears. It was my immediate thought but I haven't seen it mentioned.

I think that's what happened too. While it had her, it bit her and it took her over fully after that. Worse thing Micah could've done was take the crucifix away from her and burn it.

"I'm the ultimate badass,you do NOT wanna f-ck wit me!"Hudson,Aliens😬


It was "one of the better scenes" ???

Other than the last one, it was the only scene in the movie where anything happened. (No, I don't count strange noises and a door closing by itself.)

Worse, we had to wait about 90 minutes for these scenes... and they were both repeated identically in all the sequels!! After an hour and a half, people get dragged, and people get flung. And there's your franchise.

I can't believe this piece of crap ever saw the light of day, never mind four copies of it.


You mad bro?
