How it should have ended...

I enjoyed the movie, but John Goodman's acting made him scarier than the aliens. After his death it was hard to build up any tension in the fight in them. If it were my movie I would have...

1. Not had Howard kill Emmett. It solidified him as a bad guy and so much of the tension was from the unsurety.
2. Had Emmett and Michelle both escape together and leave Howard behind.
3. Go into his house (above ground) and learn that there was a reasonable explanation for girl in the photo. Maybe she really was his daughter, or a friend or something to explain what happened. Howard, while an unbalanced survivalist nut, was not evil.
4. As they find out the truth, the aliens make their appearance.
5. The two of them run back to the bunker and try and get in while Howard watches from behind the bunker door in horror and disappointment that they didn't listen. He can only stare as two of them are killed by the aliens, leaving him alone and the only survivor. Forever alone in his bunker.



would have been vastly superior to the weird ass ending that happened.

It just becomes a completely different movie. The ending is so disjointed and misplaced.


I agree the ending was the weak point. Your ending is a great alternative.


I disagree, that kind of idea (the apparently bad or crazy guy being the good one in the end) has been already used in other things like the episode of the Twlight Zone 2002 called "chosen"...or the film Frailty, or even Tucker and Dale Vs Evil? lol

I liked the ending of the film as it is, Goodman's character was right about the "invasion" but was a psycho-killer at the same time and he used the bunker to kill another girl in the past.


I think the ending should be that John Goodman and that woman who smashed her head in the door worked together. That Goodman hang his keys easy to grab on purpose, quickly texted the woman who put some fake blood make up and die fake. When michelle almost escapes, John admits they abducted the previous girl because his own daughter died and they wanted to replace her with a Stockholm syndrome "new daughter". Michelle escapes and there are no aliens . The end.
