Hollywoods Feminism Agenda

And the trend continues with potraying men as weak and clumsy and women as superior and strong taking out ships with wine bottles and newspaper....when will this trend end? Its as if a war has been waged against men because of some HUGE unforgivable injustice done to women. Women have LONG been treated as equals yet this new generation acts as if women were treated like black slaves or jews in concentration camps. Its really funny how women think society owes them a debt for the injustices done to them (or the perceived injustices). Just go watch S6 of GoT to see feminism in full effect in the Biggest show on Tv. Its pretty sad. Oh well


Oh look. Another sexist Trump Supporter. Get ready to have a female in The White House 

Mad Max: Fury Road > Every Other Action Film


Yeah that *beep* is so honest and only has the best interest of the American people in mind.


First of all, Hillary and Michelle O aren't woman, they both have penises, bigger than than husbands for sure and secondly as retarded as the post was there's a hint of truth to the "agenda" he's referring to. If your a movie buff, all movie genres, it's clearly out there. Every two years a slave or oppression movie, then the rest is filled in with crap comedies (few exceptions) and then regurgitated garbage. Dealing with gen x writers now that are talented like Rosie O'Donnell is hot.


Is this a new *beep* type reply? Not everyone lives their live in the U.s. or even voted for Trump.


Hey, how'd that work out for you, buddy? 


Men are either fat, old over bearing misogynists or beta cucks that white knight and get a bullet in the head.


Oh please. Compared the the amount of strong male leads already out there, the occasional strong female lead is hardly pushing an agenda. It's actually just evening *beep* out.

I'm no feminist myself but even I know that there are very few strong female leads. It's good for children to see that everyone can be strong, not just the men.


If you think women are people - you're a feminist. If you think women should have rights - you're a feminist. Don't get caught up in the idea of Misandry (man hating) as that is COMPLETELY different to feminism.


I have to disagree. If I think women are people and deserve rights, that doesn't make me a feminist. That makes me a decent human being. Because women are in fact people, and do in fact deserve rights, just as every person does. Unless you think women are unicorns instead of people... maybe they're raccoons!


Yes you are a decent human being but unfortunately most are not in this regard. So yes, treating women as equals to men and wanting women and men to be equal makes you a feminist.


Bullfeces. An overwhelming majority of western people would agree that men and women are equal. There's nothing radical or uncommon with that statement. That's not enough for feminists though. They believe gender is a social construct. So any difference in behaviour or interests between the two groups can be explained with inequality and discrimination (of women, never men) by society. Society is men by the way.


What's that I smell...?


They believe gender is a social construct. So any difference in behaviour or interests between the two groups can be explained with inequality and discrimination (of women, never men) by society.

Gender is a social construct, in the sense that different societies would complete the sentence "Men are _____" in different ways. There are overlaps, yes, but it is also true that "manly" behaviors in one society might be seen as very "unmanly" in another. A good example of this is hand-holding with other men, which would be seen as "gay" or effeminate in most Western countries, but is common in some non-Western countries.

There are many different variations of feminism, so I can't speak for other women who think of themselves as feminists, but I definitely think that when there are substantial differences between men and women, it is important to try to figure out if it is innate or if there is inequality or discrimination happening.

Here is one example: there was a study done that was investigating the fact that men were more often ranked as being competent in their jobs and were more likely to get higher salaries in science departments. So the study made up like 10 fake resumes. They would take a fake resume to one department with a woman's name/picture attached, and then take the same resume to another science department, this time with a man's picture attached. What they found was that the SAME resume was likely to be higher ranked and offered a higher salary if it had a man's picture attached. So given two fake people with exactly the same qualifications, the man was consistently ranked more competent and worth more money. I'm not sure how you can explain that outside of discrimination.

And any feminist worth his or her salt will of course acknowledge that gender inequality has negative effects on men. Less paternal leave for new fathers, for example. Or being dissuaded from certain professions because they are "girly" jobs. One of the most interesting arguments about feminism to emerge in the last few years is all the ways that gender equality benefits men. For example, if women are more highly educated, that leads to the male population being more highly educated (and getting better jobs/salaries/etc) because most children are taken care of by their mothers, and an educated mother will pass that knowledge onto her son before he even gets to school.

The notion of gender equality is not exactly a long-lasting thing. Up until the 70s (I think) women needed a signed note from their parents if they wanted to join the military. And you can say "Oh that was back in the 60s/70s/80s!", but the reality is that inequality has lingering ripple effects, because power positions and money tend to trickle down through families.


Sorry, I meant to write that they think it's purely a social construct. Of course gender is not all biological, but it is a big factor. What you describe - customs - are of course entirely social. But to go from there to assert that every measurable difference in behaviour or capabilities is purely a social construct is ludicrous. There are plenty of studies that aren't sociological in nature that have mapped these differences. And that's a good thing, because sociology studies, hell even psychology studies (which are less sensitive to biases on the part of the researchers, and other external factors), simply don't yield reproducible results. That study you mentioned, if you were to repeat that 20 times with different researchers and different subjects you'd more likely than not get 20 different results.

That there is widespread discrimination in most societies goes without saying. That people often are treated unfairly because of their gender, and many other factors, is obvious. To claim that one group, half the population, are always the victims and the other half should be ashamed and assent to having discriminatory measures against them passed into law is far beyond reasonable though. And that's the stance of most activist feminists. Their goal is not equality.


There are plenty of studies that aren't sociological in nature that have mapped these differences. And that's a good thing, because sociology studies, hell even psychology studies (which are less sensitive to biases on the part of the researchers, and other external factors), simply don't yield reproducible results. That study you mentioned, if you were to repeat that 20 times with different researchers and different subjects you'd more likely than not get 20 different results.

You're lumping two very different types of studies together.

You are talking about studies that show that men and women have different behaviors.

I am talking about studies that show that people are treated differently on the basis of gender.

There are many people who will tell you that gender discrimination no longer exists (and will even insist that the scales are tipped these days in the favor of women), and that simply isn't true. There is still active discrimination based on gender, and often it does go against women.

And that's the stance of most activist feminists. Their goal is not equality.

Frankly I think that you and I just know different feminists. I don't know any feminists (male or female) who advocate for laws that discriminate against men. Or who say that women are somehow the superior gender or that all men are evil. Most feminists I know, for example, agree that it's discriminatory that only men have to register for the military draft (though many of my friends oppose the draft itself on principle). If the women/feminists you describe are mostly people you've seen on YouTube or Tumblr, I think you're picking from a pretty rotten pool.

What laws are currently trying to be passed that discriminate against men?


Oh, but of courseif women aren't people, they can't be another animal, they must be an object, right? Perhaps a clock, or a chair? Hmmm... now I need to figure out what women are if they're not people...


Yes, this hasn't been happening since at least 1979.........




Get back into your bunker, Howard.


Women have LONG been treated as equals? Where are you from, a parallel universe? Over 95% of CEOs are men, there are precious few female colonels, never mind generals, and unlike Pakistan, that scion of male oppression, we haven't had a woman elected to the highest government position. Hell, we haven't even had a female VP or Speaker of the House. Treated as equals, my butt.

BTW, women got the vote AFTER black men. That's right. People white men didn't even view as fully human were allowed to vote before women were. That should tell you something about the uphill battle women faced and continue to face.

"Nothing is more ill bred than trying to steal the affections of someone else's dog."


What a weird c\/nt.

If the protagonist had been black, he would've complained about "the blacks" taking over movies.

If the protagonist had been anything but who he is, a white male with a fragile ego, it's some conspiracy.

Really, the guy has to be a troll, right? It's a joke. Can anyone truly be so stupid to write this:

And the trend continues with potraying men as weak and clumsy and women as superior and strong taking out ships with wine bottles and newspaper....when will this trend end? Its as if a war has been waged against men because of some HUGE unforgivable injustice done to women. Women have LONG been treated as equals yet this new generation acts as if women were treated like black slaves or jews in concentration camps. Its really funny how women think society owes them a debt for the injustices done to them (or the perceived injustices). Just go watch S6 of GoT to see feminism in full effect in the Biggest show on Tv. Its pretty sad. Oh well

No adult could write this and mean this, could they?
