Hollywoods Feminism Agenda

And the trend continues with potraying men as weak and clumsy and women as superior and strong taking out ships with wine bottles and newspaper....when will this trend end? Its as if a war has been waged against men because of some HUGE unforgivable injustice done to women. Women have LONG been treated as equals yet this new generation acts as if women were treated like black slaves or jews in concentration camps. Its really funny how women think society owes them a debt for the injustices done to them (or the perceived injustices). Just go watch S6 of GoT to see feminism in full effect in the Biggest show on Tv. Its pretty sad. Oh well


Yes, how dare a film feature a female character in a leading role who isn't an incapable weakling who needs to be rescued by a man. The horror! Must be those pesky 'feminazis' at work again. Sigh.

For what it's worth, feminism is a movement that strives for equality for both sexes. It does not claim that women are superior, or that we should be "on top", just that we desire and deserve equal opportunities to men. ALL women should be feminists and should never feel like they have a apologise for being one. It's really a shame that the idea of equality is still so offensive to so many people.

The sad thing is, I came on this board fully expecting to find a thread like this on page 1 and as usual, IMDB did not disappoint.

Feed me a stray cat


You mean unlike the thousands of years long trend of portraying women as weak and men as heroes? What a tiny little insecure boy you are.



Seriously, you are nothing but a damn troll who has obviously never picked up an actual American history book if you actually believe all the bull**** you just posted. Sexism is real, always has been. And damn near 99% of movies (especially from Hollywood) feature mainly men in the action roles in action movies. As far as action movie heroines go, look how long it been taking to get a Wonder Woman franchise off the ground----as popular as superhero films are now, there's still this belief in Hollywood that a film featuring a female superhero won't pull in the big box office bucks (even though some male superhero films haven't made it at the box office,either.) Heck, the only films I can think of that I've seen this year with a woman doing action as the lead is the drug cartel thriller SICARIO, and this film. And before that, MAD MAX:FURY ROAD (which started this whole recent whining about women being the leads in action films, which is still stupid and dumb as hell.) You obviously don't know jack about feminism, or real American history, and that's why you sound like an idiot.

Check out the recent documentary SHE'S BEAUTIFUL WHEN SHE'S ANGRY about the history of American feminism (as told by feminists themselves.) It's good, and you'll have fun learning some real history as opposed to the ridiculous unreal version you just made up while drunk as hell or something.


This is a reach in a film with only three characters and a choice of two genders. She's a survivor, that's all. There's no message.


as much as i dislike regressive feminist crap of the modern days that is definitely the opposite of equality, i did not feel like this was that kind of movie. in fact i think a lot of the things that happened in the movie wouldnt even work if the lead wasnt female.

the issues in the movie are only in the very end where in a matter of minutes a panicking lead becomes a confident alien killer, but it would have been a pretty cheesy ending regardless of who the lead would have been.


Why don't you comfort yourself in the fact that everything that women now have, equality, power, etc. was given to them by men because they chose to, because they were sick of listening to their whining about it, and they could take it back so very easily? That everything women can choose to give, if men weren't so nice, they could just take...but they currently choose not to?
Hitler was a dog person.



Definitely the best way for us males to project a strong, tough, macho image is to whine about movie plots.
