Hollywoods Feminism Agenda

And the trend continues with potraying men as weak and clumsy and women as superior and strong taking out ships with wine bottles and newspaper....when will this trend end? Its as if a war has been waged against men because of some HUGE unforgivable injustice done to women. Women have LONG been treated as equals yet this new generation acts as if women were treated like black slaves or jews in concentration camps. Its really funny how women think society owes them a debt for the injustices done to them (or the perceived injustices). Just go watch S6 of GoT to see feminism in full effect in the Biggest show on Tv. Its pretty sad. Oh well


Scorcese, De Palma, Kubrick, Spielburg, Scott, Cameron...

Now name four big name female movie directors from memory. K-GO. No cheating and googling.

Women are treated as equals????



Maybe women just kinda suck at being entertaining? lol


Maybe the industry is permeated with misogynists like yourself. lol


This argument comes up over and over again. And the answer to it is maybe women generally are just not as interested in this line of work as some men are so don't put in as much effort to get to these "top-of-the-tree" positions.

Same way you don't see many men at the top of other industries that women are generally more interested in.

And by generally I mean what percentage of male/female are interested in a certain industry. So if the split of men/women interested in becoming a movie director is 80/20 then obviously the men are more likely to end up on top. That's not discrimination or some sort of inequality against women - it's basic maths!


Your basic maths is perhaps not as basic as you think.

80/20...? Do you think that twenty percent of directors are women?

I'd put that number closer to 10%, or 5% of big production directors.

Women are much higher represented at lower levels of production. So your argument or maths goes no way to explain why most films have at least a quarter or third female participation at the ground level, but at the top level they are grossly underrepresented.

In Hollywood this can in part be explained by the director's list, the effect of bottle-necking work to go to known directors. Whatever the cause when you have a wide participation at low level, and under-representation at a higher level, that implies there is an unfair system at work. That's the simple maths.


Christ, do you not understand the meaning of an *example* as in "...IF... it's 80/20 THEN..."

When I was writing it I didn't expect some dumbass to take the numbers literally...

There are lots of social reasons why all the women at lower levels don't want to get to top of tree - maybe they have no interest in it, or are too busy doing other things, like childcare. Men are expected to do one thing by society - make MONEY and WORK - until the day you die. Women are always let off this slave treadmill by society, and then they have the BALLS to claim this is discrimination in some way...

There is no unfair system at work and if there was it is against MEN as in you can't get out of it!


Why would you use THAT number as your example? It just shows you are completely ignorant of the realities, and entering a debate without the first clue of what you are talking about. And if you aren't aware of the numbers involved why even discuss it, you can't contribute.

Oh, because you have an axe to grind. Your main paragraph makes it obvious.

Yes, yes women have it so easy. Men have it so hard etc etc. Insert other stupidity, like the upper case BALLS you added.

According to you women don't work, don't make money, but men do, and they presume to take men's place by having a voice. You're clearly a misogynist #@$#.

And there's nothing to be gained from arguing with an ignorant misogynist, you'll always be one and this is just your way of expressing yourself to the world and feeling less impotent.

Did the wife dump you? Good on her.


Run along dear... man talk.


Idiot speech more like.


There is no unfair system at work and if there was it is against MEN as in you can't get out of it!

If you are genuinely interested in this topic, you might check out the book "No Constitutional Right to Be a Lady".

Here is one example of a systematic bias against women: for a very long time there was a system in place where people took a test to determine if they could hold certain positions. Those with the top scores were offered the positions. If you had served in the military, you automatically got 5 points added to your score. At the time, women could only join the army if they got their parents to basically sign a permission slip. Therefore essentially only men were eligible for the advantage. This meant that if a man and a women scored equally on the test, but the man had served in the army, he automatically got a score 5 points higher. (The job was not military related, so the job experience of being in the military was not directly relevant).

On one hand you can see how this was a system set up to help veterans get a foothold in the workplace by giving them an advantage in the application process--a sentiment that most people would probably be behind.

But I hope that you could also see how this system also would regularly disadvantage women applying for those same jobs.

There are also plenty of studies that show that women are regularly perceived as being less qualified than their male counterparts, even when their performance is better. There was a recent study in which students were asked to rank all of their classmates from best to worst. (Article about the study in the Harvard Business Review is https://hbr.org/2016/06/are-u-s-millennial-men-just-as-sexist-as-their-dads).

Excerpt: In February 2016 researchers at the National Institutes of Health published a study on how college biology students view their classmates’ intelligence and achievements. The researchers found that male students systematically overestimated the knowledge of the men in their classes in comparison with the women. Moreover, as the academic term progressed, the men’s faulty appraisal of their classmates’ abilities increased despite clear evidence of the women’s superior class performance. In every biology class examined, a man was considered the most renowned student — even when a woman had far better grades. In contrast, the female students surveyed did not show bias, accurately evaluating their fellow students based on performance. After studying the attitudes of these future scientists, the researchers concluded, “The chilly environment for women [in the sciences] may not be going away anytime soon.”

There are certainly systems in place in our society in which men are disadvantaged--being the only gender that is forced to register for the draft, for example. But the workplace (or at least most workplaces) is not one of them.


Thanks for your reply. I have no doubt women were extremely disadvantaged and discriminated against in the past. I just don't think it applys as much right now. But then again I am not in USA so maybe it is just still bad over there.
Anyway I work with women and I know they are just as good or better than I am at their job. But to be honest there is discrimination in hiring because I know that the boss no longer wants to hire young women who might disappear on maternity leave as he was badly stung on this in the past and feels like he was taken advantage of (where they go off and have 3 or 4 babies in a row so only end up in work for a few months over years). He actually removed the company top-up over the government statutory maternity leave pay (which tops up the government money to what your normal monthly wage was) over it. There was uproar but nothing anyone could do about it, as it was entirely at company discretion. So maybe there is still a systemic bias, I don't know.


I have no doubt women were extremely disadvantaged and discriminated against in the past.

If you look at pretty much any study on hiring practices, there is still a very distinct pattern of discrimination against women. In one study hiring boards were shown different resumes and asked to score them on different metrics and also say how much they'd offer as a starting wage. For different groups they mixed up putting different names on different resumes (so one hiring board would see a male name and picture with Resume A and another hiring board would see a female name and picture with Resume B). The same resume, with a male name, got higher overall scores and a hiring starting salary offer. Same qualifications, just a different gender attached.

there is discrimination in hiring because I know that the boss no longer wants to hire young women

If your boss is no longer hiring women because they might have babies, then, yes, you are witnessing gender discrimination in action!

Gender discrimination in the workplace might not be as blatant as it was in the past (ie Disney flat-out saying that they would not hire female cartoonists), but it still exists.


They've done studies on how we think, according to generation. In the baby boomers men and women think and problem solve very differently. That difference is near non existent in the latest generations. Who has a great deal of institutional and government power? What generation runs Hollywood? Not the latest.


I see zero issues with the main character being strong. You might have issues!


To be honest, and troll aside, but because of this day and age with Feminism being the royal pain in the ass it is, every time a female character is the one leading and comes out on top at the end, I do tend to think of Feminism playing it's role in the female's characters being a bit unrealistic. A lot of girls and women I know chicken out over the most silliest things and are afraid of EVERYTHING. I doubt most random skinny white women have the mental and physical wherewithal when an unpredictable situation such as the one in this movie arises.

The thing with this character though, Michelle, I thought she was very likable. She showed realistic signs of fright, but at the same time, she wasn't over agonizing and she kept cool (Keep in mind she wanted to escape)

It's not like she out muscled her way out of the hatch at the end of the movie in a bikini with 6 men stuck to the end of the stick as they tried to rape her. No. It wasn't that. There was a male AND a female held captive down there. She wasn't buying Howard's stories at all (why should she) and still had to motivation to get out. Again, I liked her. Her "What the F" expressions on her face were realistic. I was rooting for her.

If you want to look at every Feminists wet dream then look at Sidney Prescott from the Scream movies.

The saddest part of the movie though was Emmitt getting blown away when he admitted to Howard it was all his idea to try and take his gun. What kind of loser does this and dies for a girl he didnt even get to see her boobies?


"The saddest part of the movie though..."

Well he obviously tried the old White Knight tactic and as usual it backfired spectacularly for him as it most often does for real men who try it too - not his fault, society programmes men and boys from a young age to white knight for women and women are happy to let them do it as they can take advantage of it.


LOL, it must be so frustrating for all you adult virgins. I bet you had to hire another prostitute and whine at her about it, whilst constantly having to resist the urge to beat her.

So utterly pathetic.


If they ordered "another" prostitute, chances are they wouldnt be virgins because they had sex with the previous ones

Hey don't knock prostitutes until you try them lol


'And the trend continues with potraying men as weak and clumsy and women as superior and strong taking out ships with wine bottles and newspaper....when will this trend end?'

Long may the trend continue.

It's that man again!!


Just look at who owns and controls Hollywood and you will understand the nature and purpose of this feminist agenda.

Hint: It isn't white Christians.


So you are seeing every movie through the lens of gender, exactly like feminists?


So you are seeing every movie through the lens of gender, exactly like feminists?

No, no, no. Jeez.

When non-feminists attack a movie for its use of gender, they are being analytical. They are being objective and scientific. You know, like a man.

When feminists attack a movie for its use of gender, they are being hysterical complainers. You know, like a woman.


Feeling a tad emasculated are we? Prefer your women sub-servient, "don't you worry your pretty little head. You go make my dinner while the man solves the problem"? Is that what you'd prefer, you misogynistic dickhead?!
