Holds up on a rewatch.

Had a few doubts that this wouldn't be so great a second time around as it's a film that relies on mystery and what'll happen next.

Thankfully it was just as great the second time around. A brilliant film.

MEW & Goodman are awesome in this.


That's interesting because this person thinks the exact opposite, hehe:


Just goes to show how different people perceive the same thing differently and how boring these discussion boards would be if we were all the same!


I've watched it three times so far, and I've enjoyed it each and every time. The last time got me thinking and analyzing why Howard made the choices he did and also speculation on when Brittany "Megan Prime" was killed before he abducted MEW as the world was ending. I posted my thoughts here: https://moviechat.org/tt1179933/10-Cloverfield-Lane/624c4e862079a208d11ef272/The-mind-of-Howard-and-Spoilers-of-Course

I like bottled movies like this, where characters are trapped or holding down the fort together. This movie works in that we get to have character driven tension and mystery and yet at the end we also get to have our action scene. I was watching Red Letter Media and they said that "a part of them wishes it would have ended on MEW looking at the something outside the bunker and going "Oh you have got to be kidding me"! and it cuts to black". Personally, I prefer and appreciate that the filmakers went ahead and showed us a conclusion to the story and if staying in the bunker was a trick or not. They didnt leave it ambiguous at all. Im surprised that many people hate the ending.
Red Letter Media on 10 Cloverfield Lane: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOgcYl8f2ts
