MovieChat Forums > Prey (2022) Discussion > What's your Predator canon?

What's your Predator canon?

We've been blessed with 2 great Predator movies, but it's been very inconsistent since. I didn't even bother with the one from a few years ago, the clips I saw were so bad. AVP is a fun comic book kinda movie, but it's not canon to me.

I saw Predators ONCE in the theaters years ago. I remember being pretty into it most of the movie then they punch you in the gut with that "little brother" nonsense. The worst thing you can do in a sequel is piss all over an iconic monster/character for the sake of creating your own newer, bigger, and badder version. Terrible, terrible mistake. I've considered giving this movie another shot, but whenever I think about this revelation, I just get annoyed.


My thoughts mirror yours.

Love the first two. AVP was also enjoyable, but I don't think of it as canon, which is totally fine.

I still haven't watched the newer one...I just had so little faith that it would work from what I saw and heard.

I saw Predators twice but I thought it was trash. I had such high hopes for it, but I thought the story was ridiculous. It was supposed to be canon, but it directly conflicted with it, without any sort of attempt to explain how to relate this new setting to original film. I had more specific frustrations but it's been a while. It just didn't feel convincing to me how the story progressed, and I thought Fishburne's character was nonsense.


If you thought Predators was trash then stay well away from the Predator. Utter shite!


It was supposed to be canon, but it directly conflicted with it

Just curious, what did you think directly conflicted w/ canon? The notion of a game preserve maybe?

I'm so-so about "Predators." There were aspects of it that I liked, including the yakuza duel and Topher Grace reveal

Admittedly, I was left wondering how the predators (yautja?) picked him out; doesn't seem like their type even if they knew he was a serial killer (to me it'd be like a big game hunter chasing down a sea wasp jellyfish - totally different type of killer).

BUT, it implied something that, turns out, was an alternate ending (that I'm glad they trashed), where Dutch shows up in a ship to reveal that humans are now cooperating predators.

THAT would be a major conflict with canon, not to mention conflict with Dutch AND conflict with what little we've learned about predators. A game preserve is one thing; conspiring with the prey is a whole 'nother level of cringe.


Maybe "direct conflict" was a bit too strong for me to say but yeah, it's that: the notion of a game preserve. I thought it was a bit dishonest to treat Predators as a direct sequel to Predator 1 and change the worldbuilding to such a degree without even directly acknowledging it in the movie. This is a huge change, which I didn't even care for. I liked the notion of honor implied in Predator 1, which carried over to the ending of Predator 2.

But now treating human prey as though they were just hunting fodder, instead of a true test of skill? At least, that's what the idea of a game preserve conveys to me.

Obviously, we could come up with various explanations, some even better than that alt ending. Like maybe they thought this would be safer than to send predators to a different world. But that's all headcanon at that point.

And right now, all we have is that the predators looking at Topher Grace, and deciding yeah, let's drop him in with the rest. Yeah, he did end up successfully using subterfuge to his advantage but lol like I'm not really sure why he'd be considered something they'd want to fight, like the jellyfish you mentioned.


Ah, then I 100% agree with you. It just "feels" wrong for them to have a game preserve.

Admittedly, from a sci-fi perspective, it could make perfect sense. Humans are getting too technologically advanced to hunt "safely," especially when they keep collecting predator tech.

There were even "Star Trek Voyager" eps that dealt with this exact issue using their predator-ripoff species, the Hirogen. Hirogen settled on hunting holograms because ... I can't recall exactly but something to do with their tech stagnating. Whatever.

But I don't see predator franchise as hard sci-fi at its core. Rather, it uses sci-fi as a backdrop for hyper-macho Mano a Mano "Most Dangerous Game" storylines.

So yeah, boo on game preserves.

Reminiscent of an SNL skit starring Louis Farrakhan (of all people). Farrakhan played a big game hunter who hunts with a crowbar ... because he hunts at the local zoo


Hmm, the star trek reference sounds cool. And yeah, see, that'd be great if that sort of thing was brought up in the film. I'm not sure I would like it, but at least it would follow, and it wouldn't just be us using our imagination to consider the possibilities. Instead, Predators just felt like a lazy power creep in order to raise the stakes: "oooo scary, the humans can't get away at all". The inclusion of the dogs, and the blood fueled all added into this imo.

And yeah, agreed. Which is why, I'm like, I still might not like the movie too much if it tackled these more complex themes (but at least I'd be able to respect what it's doing).


Only Predator and Predator 2. I love AVP but thats not canon.


I think AVP is a blast. Fun comicbook style movie. But I don't think it's unfair to say it's not canon. It just doesn't have the same tone or quality as the first two. Those are serious, dark, graphic and AVP is like a live action comic book.

I am tempted to give Predators another chance. I remember being into it until the end.


Yeah, the first 2 are classic. They never get old. After that, I was just in it cause I'm a Sci-Fi nerd. They haven't been that great. Of course, I'll check this one out, but I won't be expecting too much.


I don't give a DAMN about Predator canon, I never liked the franchise from the start. There's something about jungle movies that just bugs the hell out of me.


"There's something about jungle movies that just bugs the hell out of me."

That's just weird.


It's like those stupid Far Cry / Crysis games, you're always stuck on a tropical island or islands and just shoot people in random vehicles and buildings - how BORING.

Give me a classic corridor shooter like Doom or Half-Life any day of the week!


I think it’s a lot like Terminator where the franchise went so bad that unofficially just the first two are canon.


Oh, I don't think that's unofficial. I don't think there's a fan alive that takes anything after 2 seriously.


predator and predator 2. there’s a few short films on youtube i thought were ok. still waiting for a third.


2 is legit. It's like Predator in the Robocop universe.




I think the best Predator films are easily Predator (1987) and Predators (2010).

I also thought Alien vs. Predator (2004) was quite fun and has aged well, despite the fact that it creates problems with the continuity of the Alien films.

Predator 2 (1990) had a better premise than execution, Alien vs. Predator: Requiem (2007) was badly made and The Predator (2018) had obviously been hacked to bits in the editing room.


I have been thinking of giving Predators another chance. I've been watching clips on YouTube and it really does capture the tone and feel of the original. But that "little ones" comment..... ugh.

I don't know how you can't like Predator 2. It's awesome.


I would have loved to have seen a sequel to Predators ... I thought staging the action on an alien planet was a great idea.

Where these movies inevitably fall down is when they try too hard to explore Predator society: the war between the Super Predators and Jungle Predators, the training ritual using Xenomorphs, the Predators attempting to improve themselves with the DNA of humans, the Predator-killer armour, etc. We don't need to know that much about the monster.


I ignore the AvP films, they are not great and really the concept works better as a comic. I like the first three main Predator films. I would like to have seen a true sequel to that followed Predators. I was not impressed with what I saw from the previews of The Predator so I have not watched that yet and the new film premise doesn't work for me, people from that time would get wiped out.
