non-woke Naru

Haters gonna hate, but just going back over the film, I noticed how Taabe, in particular, nailed the predator three times with the same damn arrow.

So it's not just Naru who's badass. Predator just messed with the wrong family (or rather the right family, since they apparently seek out apex prey).

To me that undermines any "woke" accusations or "Mary Sue" complaints, because it's not about Naru-the-perfect-hero-just-because-she's-a-girl.

Taabe even acknowledges her tactical ability without having to look like the "dumb man" or with some cringe-worthy claim that she's stronger than everyone else put together.

At worst, an argument could be made for soft bigotry by playing on the Comanche tribes' reputation as fierce warriors.


It's definitely not a woke movie. Don't take this shit hole seriously


He was extremely talented, and a smart dude (taking her suggestions when appropriate). Naru only managed to kill the Predator at the end from making key observations at each of these encounter in which she happened to survive for one reason or another.


Wrong. She fought the Predator in hand-to-hand and bested it, dismembering his arm, cutting up his legs, kicking and hitting him, and stabbing him multiple times in the neck. Somehow the Predator one-shot killed everything else in his path, but couldn't do any damage to her. She even managed to muster the strength to rip out its mandible and stab him in the neck with it, a feat not even any of the male stars of previous Predator films were capable of doing. Heck, Arnold did ZERO damage to the Predator in his hand-to-hand fight, and Naru nearly killed the Predator in her hand-to-hand fight.

This is also after she survived a bear trap with just a bruise on her leg when it should have snapped it in two. And this is also after she took an herb that supposedly made her body temperature cold enough to portray that of a cadaver, even though if her body temperature was really that cold, had she started exerting herself physically in that state, her body would have gone into shock.

None of what she did made sense relative to what a human being her size and age would be capable of, especially during that time, especially her deathwish to constantly hunt things intent on killing her. It's the complete opposite of a decently written character.
