MovieChat Forums > 3 Idiots (2009) Discussion > 8.1? really? what did people had in thei...

8.1? really? what did people had in their mind when they voted?

Come on guys ..
How come this movie is so overrated??

I mean the jokes cracked in the movie are pretty commonplace and ordinary.
The storyline is not original. What's more irritating is the fact the script has been improvised idiotically .. I mean what is the thing of meeting 10years down the line? How come the girl hasn't been married in those 10 long years and how come she was to get married the same day they decided to find the whereabouts of Rancho? So many flaws in the movie man.. Extremely average I must say .. this hype is doing it I think .. No way this movie is past 6/10 in IMDB. It's just another overrated average movie.


this movie was brilliant

firstly the message was delivered that in itself is a plus, and the way it was portrayed was brilliant, i went in the cinema to watch a comedy but did not expect there to be a meaning behind the story the way it was presented was unique. another strong point is that it's for all ages, as it wasn't to childish nor too serious.

to be honest what films are there that have this storyline (not exactly, but similar) and are as good. and i personally have not seen a film witch has this storyline (tell me a couple that are worth watching)

and about being married 10 years on, really, is one of the flaws why does she have to be married? not everyone wants to or has to be married then

and then finding Rancho, if you had a best friend and he went missing, and you heard the news of him, and a person knew where he was would you not go and meet him, especially when he helped you?

those aren't really flaws


Your best friend went missing, right. They should have checked with the Principal. He even knew about his father's earning, remember? And how did they find who the real Rancho is ? A guy on a street in the city points them to THE biggest house around! Use technology morons!

Why So Serious???


Wow some of you people seem to really think like Chatur!

I think 8 is not a fair rating but 10 is perfect for this movie. And no I'm not going to reason about it as that itself will be a paradox. You are all entitled to your Chatur reasoning and oppinions.


Now I get it, everybody hating is Chatur! just with different sns LOL cuz he got ziiiiiiiinged by the Wangdu, s'all good bro, enjoy your 3.5million dollar home, your red lambo, your heated pool, and uhhh hmmm, OHH and last and certainly least, your wife.


Well, standards are low in India, so the grades are overinflated.


How come this movie is so overrated??
It's overrated to you simply because you didn't like it as much as other folks did.

I gave it a 10 here. If you're curious why, I've got a review online that you can access via the link in my signature.


10? Go educate yourself first!


The correlation between awarding a particular rating and education in your view being?


My husband and I loved it. It lacked the snarkiness so prevalent in US comedies. We still love a story with its heart in the right place.

"Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"


did you feel good when you watched the movie? did you enjoy the 2.50 hours you spent watching the movie?

if you did, the movie is worth the high rating.


It was not at all a good film. The script was awesome, but the acting was pathetic, apart from Aamir Khan. That Silencer character was so irritating I nearly puked in the theater. How could people find it funny? This film doesn't deserve to be in Top 250. Rather than glorifying our industry I am afraid it would ruin it internationally.



Screw all you pseudo-intellectuals.


true that


Because one billion Indians can't be wrong.

Yeah, right.
