Horrible deaths

I mean, why to get all the characters well and OK to the arch, only to kill them off this way? It is as if Emmerich looked at the script and said "Oh, they are still alive? I have to kill them!"
I actually liked the movie, despite the silly premise and some plot holes, but this was bad. I mean, the Russian girl saved the kid (and a dog) but couldn´t it have been under different circumstances? She just drowned, with animals ***** on her. And the sad part nobody cared about her. Yay, the little girl is OK, but nobody seemed to care this woman pushed her out to save her and then died (she could very well pushed her aside and climb out by herself).
Or that - suprisingly nice and good - boyfriend of Amanda Peet´s character? He saved the day and then was, poor guy, crushed by the engines? Ouch!
I know that not everybody can die in some super heroic way but this was so unnecessary and yuck. IF the others at least cared that they died but no...


Agreed. The Poseidon Adventure always killed me too when Gene Hackman was so close and sacrificed his life for the rest of them.


To be honest, looking at the way how literally everything went to shit, the most realistic outcome would had been everyone dying lol.


The boyfriend had 'dead meat' stamped across his forehead from the outset. No way could he be allowed to live and upset the sacred nuclear family dynamic while the dad was still in the picture.


Amen to that

I saw the dynamic being set up and was thinking how refreshing it'd be if both Tamara and Gordon survive, with perhaps Jackson and Tamara hooking up at the end

At least "Ant-Man" avoided that predictable dynamic (new boyfriend isn't such a jerk, doesn't die, and remains with the hero's ex-wife).


Lol this thread is funny af but so true from all the different viewpoints here. Yeah it felt like they were intentionally trying to break the body count average of an 80s slasher. I’m surprised how in your face the destruction and loss of human life in the film is. Usually disaster films aren’t so relentless in having well-meaning characters get killed on screen well at least not since The Towering Inferno.
