RTM is run by corporate shills. It is meaningless now.


last one got great reviews even though it was shit compared to the Gibson films . RT is a fraudulent site, with many fake "paid" reviews, they been exposed many times.

not saying its bad, but many times they claim masterpiece , then audiences see it , and meh it was ok.


Yeah, the last one definitely wasn't shitty, and Thunderdome is a terrible movie start to finish. Nostalgia doesn't mean quality.


at least it didn't have a bunch cgi video game action like Fury Road


I found the documentary of how they built all those cars and did all those stunts - for real - pretty amazing ,
as was the movie.
(mm4 i mean)

That was after avoiding it for a few years 'cos i'd heard there was no story.


Now you're just clowning yourself. Fury road had almost no cgi. It was widely discussed. And no, since the technology didn't exist when Thunderdome was made, it stands to reason they didn't use cgi to make that ridiculous movie. That's like criticizing the North in the civil war for not using drone strikes.


almost every scene has cgi in Fury Road


You are mistaken


stop, almost every scene is enhanced or cleaned up with cgi i seen bts video where they put in mountains that don't exist. just cause 80% is real does not mean no cgi


for starters, it says 90%, not 80. And they obviously didn't do it in all the scenes. Because they did in some scene doesn't mean there was "a bunch", unless you're the only person to consult 10 percent of something significant. Lastly, nobody said "no cgi". When you fall back on fighting things that weren't discussed and changing the facts, I can't help but feel you're simply unable to admit you're wrong, while knowing your wrong.


George Miller's vision has evolved for the modern palate. Sometimes, maybe most of the time, it does not work (ie the last 2 Indiana Jones films). Fury Road worked imo.

I'm not usually a fan of prequels, prefer the story moving forward. This might very well be Miller's last flick (he's 79) so kinda would rather see how it all ends. Does humanity restore itself? Do we die out? I find that more interesting.


Thunderdome was absolutely a disappointment if compared to the first two films, but it at least was a film that was actually about its titular character, explored interesting themes such as how human history passes into myth and the role hero figures play into it (something that harks all the way back to the first film), and had fully-fleshed characters, including the best antagonist in the series in Aunty Entity.

Furious Furiosa: Fury Road, on the other hand, was two hours of a CGI-laden, image filter-riddled, Michael-Bay-minus-the-self-awareness mess of two-dimensional cardboard cutouts and greenscreened car crashes and explosions.



Were they wrong about Madame Web?


there is nothing right with Madame Web


Empire give it the coverted 5/5 (same as Fury Road got)


I'm sure anybody determined to hate the film cos its got a woman in it will be just as easily able to dismiss Empire score as they did RT one .


"RT is fake when they praise what I don't like and accurate when they trash bad movies like Madame Web", lol


"RT is fake when they praise what I don't like and accurate when they trash bad movies like Madame Web", lol"

While some truth to that, I'd say it's more a case of so much garbage getting good RT's that when a movie gets a bad RT it becomes noteworthy as that tends to mean it's really bad. =P

As for this, I'm not putting much stock in the RT. I love the Mad Max series and I trust Miller, so I'm going to see it for myself and judge. I don't even need it to live up to any of this pre-hype, just a good solid movie would satisfy me.


Most of those high ratings and scores tend to be exaggerated or incentivized.

That's why I prefer to read the reviews with lower scores/ratings.


The review I read yesterday summed up my feelings from the trailer. Pretty good movie brought down a few notches by the hammy uncommitted performance of Hemsworth. It also presented as a negative that the movie wastes too much time on world building and the saga of the warlords but that's actually exactly what i'm looking for so I think i'll be pretty pleased.
