MovieChat Forums > First Man (2018) Discussion > Throwing in my two cents *spoiler warnin...

Throwing in my two cents *spoiler warning*

It's the 1960's and Neil Armstrong is encountering first hand the great space for America to go the moon, no matter the cost.

Walking into this movie, I was expecting a good movie, and yeah, I got what I expected. Ryan Gosling does a good job playing Neil Armstrong, and Claire Foy is incredible as Janet Armstrong. The score, especially when in space, is gorgeous, and the sound design of this movie is also great, with the silence of space being especially jarring.

That's about it, as this movie is just 'good', not great, not bad, just 'good'.I got exactly what I was expecting going in, yet i've seen Chazelle surpass expectations in his last two films, while this one i got what I was expecting. That being said, I think this movie is worth checking out if you're interested in space, history, or good film making, and I know people who were blown away by this movie, so I do recommend it, but it's not a movie that flew me to the moon.

Rating: 7.5/10


So they actually handle the silence in space properly? That would be a nice change.


I thought the best part was showing how utterly violent and jarring the rocket take offs were for the astronauts. The detail of the capsul, how it was both cutting edge, yet also just nuts and bolts and extremely dangerous.


They did not handle the silence in space properly. In fact, they added deafening noise in space when there should have been silence. The X-15 flight and rocket launches were depicted with such violence and noise that no pilot or astronaut could have carried out his tasks, read instruments, or communicated. And the interiors of the capsules, which were new and had been assembled and maintained in meticulous cleanliness, were shown as corroded and filthy. Ridiculous.
