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SW CREATOR George Lucas:"Disney doesn't understand SW or the Force"

George Lucas said this last week, probably to get ahead of The Acolyte ruining everything he created.

"George Lucas, who is being celebrated for his contribution to cinema, including his iconic films like “Indiana Jones” and “Star Wars,” received a Palme d’Or at the 77th Cannes Festival.

During interviews, Lucas had a lot to say about “Star Wars.” From how he got to keep merchandising rights to his prequel films and then to how Disney has been handling the “Star Wars” IP after he sold it to them.

When it comes to Disney, Lucas said he doesn’t think they understand what “Star Wars” and The Force are:

“I was the one who really knew what Star Wars was … who actually knew this world, because there’s a lot to it. The Force, for example, nobody understood the Force. When they started other ones after I sold the company, a lot of the ideas that were in [the original] sort of got lost. But that’s the way it is."


that's the most polite way he could have possibly said it. it's probably hurting him that they're ruining his life's work like this. he held it so close to the breast for decades refusing to let anyone else work on it. now look what happened. i think he trusted disney because they did great amazing stories before the woke era. there's no way he could've fathomed that they'll become what they are today. even their early marvel movies were fantastic and it had none of the woke shit too.


Probably a massive regret on his part as he really didn't need the money to begin with. Now that he's in his twilight years, he's realized that your legacy is worth a lot more than a billion bucks in the bank.

He could've lived forever.


Even without Disney though..... his prequels have done tremendous damage to his legacy on their own. Disney is simply destroying it further.


The prequels didn't do nearly as much damage as the haters think. Yes, there's plenty to criticize from a technical standpoint, but from a narrative standpoint they fleshed out the lore and for the most part respected the OT. They also spawned numerous successful merchandise, shows, and video games either directly related to the prequels, or inspired by them (Knights of the Old Republic).

For all the flaws the prequels have, there's a reason they got better with age, with more fans coming to their defense; the sequels have aged like milk and lost fans over time.


I'm sorry - I realize that the woke hollywood BS makes old mediocrity seem awesome in comparison, but I still try to view things through the 'is it good or not' lense.

It's like politics - our dear leaders have introduced us to some real scumbags since GW Bush - and now many proclaim that perhaps GW Bush wasn't so bad after all. I know that it's all relative, but this doesn't change what GW Bush was and that he should be in prison.

Essentially, we are all being asked to view things through the relativity lense - I'm not eager to do that just yet.
Prequels were garbage and they were essentially the beginning of the end. Disney is worse, but that trajectory kicked off with the prequels.


I realize that the woke hollywood BS makes old mediocrity seem awesome in comparison

If that were the case, more people would be defending the Hobbit movies over Rings of Power as far as Lord of the Rings prequels are concerned. While I respect your opinion over the Star Wars prequels, I genuinely think they had a solid foundation that was mostly held down by their execution, particularly with the acting and dialogue. They had a clear end-game, with character development. Even without using the OT as hindsight, you could tell they had direction.

The sequels might've had better acting, but they were flawed in literally everything else. They admitted they had no plan for the story, and the sequels were clearly written by people who don't understand Star Wars. The fight scenes sucked too, even the OT had better choreography than the ST did.


You are basically admitting that sequels sucked, but for different reasons than why the sequels sucked.

So.... we seem to have the same opinion in that regard :)

Still - my point stands. Prequels set off a trajectory downhill - Disney took things further downhill, even if the deterioration manifested itself in a slightly different manner.


I think you meant “prequels” before the comma. I don’t think the prequels sucked, but they certainly had their flaws. The prequels had a better foundation and I’d argue Star Wars was actually fine if not headed in an upward trajectory despite the criticisms.

Disney then took all the wrong notes from the prequel criticisms, on top of adding their wokeness, and have since set the downward trajectory with sequels onward.


I agree, the prequels really stink.


i dont think he did it for the money. he wanted the money to do charity. i don't see him being greedy for money at all. second, at the time, he truly believed disney could make it good. they made every thing good before that. i would've liked him shopping around for a good script and good director in the years leading up to it though. somewhere out there, there was a good script. i blame the hardcore nerds for constantly talking shit about him. i'm guessing he felt like if he let anyone else do it and they made something amazing, it would prove to the nerds that lucas did fuck it up. i remember seeing him in an interview once when the host asked him why he didnt make another one. to paraphrase, he said something like why would i? they'll just shit on it.


Wow, he really slammed them good with that, because everyone's been thinking that ever since "The Force Awakens" came out. Heck, it seems every few years the KK faction keeps rewriting canon, particularly how the Force behaves, just to suite their crappy script-writing and lack of originality.

KK using the phrase "The Force is Female" is particularly stupid, because she stole that phrase from the feminist movement in the 1970s, when their catchphrase was, "The Future is Female." That, and the Force is a form of energy with a will of its own. It has no gender, and I don't give a flying F what this crappy fanfiction tv series claims.


Hard to argue with the OG of STAR WARS in George Lucas and while we may not have agreed on the Prequel Trilogy and the annoyances of that, it still felt like STAR WARS. The FORCE AWAKENS may have made a shit ton of $$$$$, but if I had made this, all the Classic Trilogy Heroes would've reunited in 1 scene in the movie, but leave it to Disney to go a different route and please, let's not get started on The LAST JEDI 🙄


And yet he backed Iger several weeks ago in his proxy fight. Make up your mind George.


He's a stooge. He had smart people helping him (his first wife Marcia Lucas and Gary Kurtz) without them everything else that he did was crap!


Maybe now he can buy back Star Wars franchise for 4 million dollars.


Did you mean to say "4 billion dollars"?


No, not at the current state, star wars franchise is not worth much after what Disney did to it, maybe $4 million is on the low side, but I don't think it is worth any more than $20 million.

Of course in his hands the franchise is immediately worth more than $100 million.


He's rather subdued, considering Disney took his life's work, one of the most beloved properties in movie history, and turned it into one of the most hated franchises of all time.


Lucas should have held onto it for as long as he could. When it came to making a Sequel Trilogy, he either should have gotten to it soon after the Prequel Trilogy or just not have done it at all. Just wait until all the legacy actors were too old to be in it before even thinking of selling everything he created. I think that Lucas is the only one in the universe who didn't see coming what Disney was going to do. Since Michael Eisner became CEO decades ago, Disney has been all about milking every penny possible out of their properties. How Lucas couldn't see that is beyond belief. As it was said, he certainly didn't need the money. Now, "Star Wars" is just going to be what it is now, a mishmash of disparate projects that are at odds with each other and just muddle all that Lucas created in the first place.


Disney has been all about milking every penny possible out of their properties.

If that was it then why put social agenda into the shows.

Nobody would have worried if Disney were purely into making money.


That's all movies and TV are today, pandering to those who want DEI in their shows. You pander to them, they pay to watch your DEI stuff and you make more money.


But that is not the case, is it?

Disney lost heavily on recent movies, the No.1 & 2 top losses of all movies in last year were 'The Marvels' and Indy, both were heavily DEI oriented and both lost over 100 million at least.

I am sure the same is happening to TV series.

Yet there is no sign they are changing course.


Their STRATEGY is that DEI will make them money. It doesn't mean that it works, but that is their strategy.
