Love this film!!

On my second watch now. So powerful and climactic and deep and wicked!

Totally awesome :)

9/10 from me!


Whoops sorry I posted this twice pretty much! :)


I think it's the best movie Mel Gibson did in a loooong time. No wonder it has such a low imdb rating - it's not what they sold it as.


It is a good movie!


Agreed excellent movie.
Getin old and cry easily :-)



Ray Winstone added a star in this one (as he usually does.) Great movie, loved Gibson's role, too.

A Democracy is Nothing but the Tyranny of the Majority.


i like it too as an action/mystery film. i couldnt predict what would happen (as you usually can in a hollywood movie). more like this.


Yep, absolutely fantastic. Mel kicked...


I loved this film also - way under rated at 6.6. Great script, acting, flow, sound track.


I personally think that this is wayyy overrated at 6.6.

Nothing is this is actually believable and there is as much nonsense as one could ever imagine.

I don't understand how it can be rated more than 2.

I personally have to put this in the top 10 worst movies of all times, which is quite sad as there are very bad movies in this list.


Loved it too, my only issue is that the badguys got away too clean.

Personally, if i went out of these kinds of vendettas, i would shoot the person
i was interrogating in the arm & legjoints everytime they said anything like classified or topsecret.

That would make them tell me anything i want to know after 2-3 shots...

And if they're though SoB's and still won't answer after their knees, elbows and
shoulders are gone, i take out the knife and rearrange their genitals...

Ofcourse a handy needle of adrenaline incase they decide to pass out on me.

MY personal favorite of dealing with a scum is Liam Neeson in TAKEN where he jams
2 8inch nails into the legs of a man and connects them to a poweroutlett,
that man got the death he deserved - alltho a little too quick anyway.


It's a great film. Mel states his character was supposed to be calm. I loved the story-line and the acting was great from everyone, even the daughter who had a small role.

"You had better decide if you're hanging on the cross, or banging in the nails. ~ Thomas Craven


Agreed. Some terrific acting by all the cast members especially by the two actors who played the boyfriend and friend of the victim. They genuinely looked scared sh*tless of Northrop. Ray Winstone was also brilliant. Such an underrated film.


Some terrific acting by all the cast members especially by the two actors who played the boyfriend and friend of the victim. They genuinely looked scared sh*tless of Northrop. Ray Winstone was also brilliant. Such an underrated film.

I agree with you.

Shawn Roberts, the boyfriend, was really good; he's a great actor. Ray Winstone was the icing on the cake, love him. Great film.

"Meet me in Montauk." ~ Clem, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


This is one of my favourite movies. I've seen it aboyt 4 times. The best part was when before Mel killed the executive, he told him "you know deep down you deserve this."


The best part was when before Mel killed the executive, he told him "you know deep down you deserve this."

Yea, and he wasn't kidding either.

"Men like you don't die on toilets." Mel Gibson-Riggs, Lethal Weapon


Only just caught this movie on tv last night. A real surprise, Gibson's performance was brilliant, and the direction and pacing kept you intrigued from start to finish.
Thoroughly recommended!!
