Love this film!!

On my second watch now. So powerful and climactic and deep and wicked!

Totally awesome :)

9/10 from me!


Agreed! ; it's my #1 movie of the 2010's decade so far AND it's also the lowest rated movie on IMDb, has a 6.6/10 average, that i gave a 9/10 or 10/10 to. it's one of the most underrated movies on IMDb as a movie like this should easily be low 7's for the average at the minimum considering the crap that gets well into the 7.x/10 range that is nothing special.

basically it's the general feel/tone/atmosphere of the movie along with Mel Gibson/Ray Winstone that amps it up.

since i been keeping track of all movies i see (i.e. Dec 27th 2011 to date) i have seen Edge of Darkness (2010) on May 31st 2012 and Oct 21st 2013 and i know i have seen it at least once before i been keeping track which guarantee's i have seen it at least three times but i doubt i have seen it more than four times within those time frames.

My Top 25 movies of the current 2010's decade so far are...

1.Edge of Darkness - 9/10
2.Source Code - 8.5-9/10
3.Skyfall - 8-8.5/10
4.The Wolf of Wall Street - 8/10
-.True Grit
-.The American
-.The Descendants
-.The Town

9.Django Unchained - 7.5-8/10
-.Young Adult
-.The Book of Eli
-.Men, Women & Children
-.Kill the Irishman
-.Tron Legacy
-.The Fighter

18.22 Bullets - 7-7.5/10
-.London Boulevard
-.The Grey
-.Before Midnight
-.At Middleton
-.End of Watch
-.Robot & Frank

NOTE: some movies between my 9th-17th spots i might prefer over others and the same with my 18th-25th spots but i did not want to get into details on the order of those so i just left it the way it is above.

also, i have seen all of those movies at least twice so i know they hold up for me on a re-watch.

p.s. the first eight movies i listed are also within my Top 100-ish movies ever to which currently sits at 99 movies i gave a SOLID 8/10 or higher to.

also, i would say there is a pretty good chance that Spectre/The Hateful Eight will make the above list once i see them later this year or early next year. but i can at least say this... those are my Top 25 movies between 2010-2014 time frame.

My Top 100-ish Movies of All-Time! =


-.The Town

Just a FYI, the man who wrote The Town, Peter Craig (Sally Field's son) also wrote Blood Father that Mel Gibson is in (the lead character). Should be out 2016; it is directed by the man who did he Mesrine films. (very good too)

"Guys like you don't die on toilets." Mel Gibson-Riggs, Lethal Weapon


This was pretyy much a perfect movie. Mel was fantastic, of course! I'm a huge Mel fan. Flippin Gey thr Gringo, Psyback, he's just an amazing actor. Cannot wait for Blood Father.

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. Desktop®


9/10 here. It's one of Mel's best 😊

