MovieChat Forums > Edge of Darkness (2010) Discussion > Mel is 5'10' ish so why did they cast so...

Mel is 5'10' ish so why did they cast so many actors taller than him?

Scene after scene guys just towered over Mel and they had to adjust the camera to the supports height, cutting off even more of Mel. In Stallone movie they cast short people or at least shot the camera angle up from the ground causing Sly to look taller. Now Mel is about the same height as Sly, so why couldn't they adjust. I never seen any other problem in Mel's movies beside this one.


I noticed this also. I think Mel is more like 5'8". There was one scene with the senator where it was almost laughable how much shorter he was. You can only see Mel's head and shoulders while it was almost a full body shot of the senator. Maybe they don't try to hide Mel's height anymore.




The casting was done intentionally. Gibson said that Campbell only cast basketball players and this made his character more like a "yapping terrier."



Marlon Brando was only 5'9" but I never knew that untill I looked it up on IMDB. He appeared much taller in movies. I knew Mel was in that height area and this movie as stated brought that out.


Yeah man, I was thinking cast really tall actors like that. The least they could've done is have them not stand so close to eachother. You want your lead to be a prominent figure and central in most shots, not CLEARLY made to look smaller in stature alongside lesser characters.


Gibson was never more than 5'8" when young (if even that) You can't trust "official" figures at all.

He a little smaller now, as he's aging. Kudos to him (as much as I otherwise despise him) for finally not caring about his image, and leaving the lifts at home. I think that took balls.


Spot on, cableaddict, the balls part I mean. First time I noticed how short mel is actually. Even In the first movie of his, mad max, you couldn't tell that he was of only average height. But why do you say he's only 5'8" when everywhere on the net it says he's 5'9 and 3/4?


Worked fine for this movie. He's this little nobody of a cop who brings down this big organization. Works perfectly for him to be smaller than his foes. He's the little Dad that could. And, by "could," I mean shoots a lot of people.


Too bad Mel fell for this explanation. This was purposely done by the Jews to lessen the mystic and magic that is Mel Gibson...Now where is my cat? LOL!!


It's always the Jews. Damn conspiracy.


He was walking several steps behind those people in many of the shots, making the difference appear even greater.

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.


I was thinking the same thing. Either Mel is short or they hired some very tall actors. Thought it was a great movie.


I read somewhere that the casting people had done this on purpose, to emphasise Thomas Craven's tenacity ... that height was immaterial when you had a cause and nothing to lose.


"Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see"


Who the *beep* cares?




Because he doesn't look as powerful.

Michael Fox was short. He said something like "When I was new I had to walk on boxes. Now that I am a star, the others walk in a trench.

They made Gibson appear short on purpose. Whether he is short in real life is irrelevant. In other movies, they make him look taller. In this one, they made him look shorter than he really is.


Maybe he thought the viewers were intelligent enough to think that height shouldn't be an issue.

Going by some of the posts on this thread it's obvious he was mistaken.

