MovieChat Forums > Edge of Darkness (2010) Discussion > Mel is 5'10' ish so why did they cast so...

Mel is 5'10' ish so why did they cast so many actors taller than him?

Scene after scene guys just towered over Mel and they had to adjust the camera to the supports height, cutting off even more of Mel. In Stallone movie they cast short people or at least shot the camera angle up from the ground causing Sly to look taller. Now Mel is about the same height as Sly, so why couldn't they adjust. I never seen any other problem in Mel's movies beside this one.


Apparently Mel's ego problems aren't as bad as Sly's.

I know a spell that'll make you show your true form! Cave rat taught it to me.


The only time this really bothered me is the scene with that lawyer dude outside a courthouse getting into a car. The dude looked like a frickin giant next to Mel. Furthermore it seemed like they were trying to exaggerate Mel's lack of height with camera angles. For the life of me I don't get why they would do that.


John McTiernan did the same thing with Bruce Willis in Die Hard: With A Vengeance, even putting other actors on boxes in one scene to make his charachter look like the underdog.


He can't be that short, can he? I mean, he barely came up to that lawyer's nipple when they were walking side by side. He must have been walking in a trench or the lawyer was on the kerb and Mel was in the gutter or something, surely?? And the idea that Mel was made to look small so that he'd resemble a determined terrier or something - no way, Pedro! What actor wants to be made to look like a yapping Jock Russell when he could look like a sleek Doberhound or a chunky Rothweiler? Or some sort of dopey-eyed Labramor?
Nah. I'm going with the trench theory.


Yeah, that was kinda odd. After all he is about an average man but most people in the movie made him look kinda small.


You've been brainwashed into believing all leading men either have to be tall or portrayed as tall as though there is something 'wrong' with males being short. Typical Hollywood discrimination in action. Congratulation on being easily programmed sheep and bleating to it.



Ray Winstone looked the same height. His daughter's boyfriend looked shorter, The black cop (his colleague) looked shorter. The police captain looked an inch taller.

The only main guy who looked taller was his cop friend who was looking into the case. Also, Danny Houston.

I was thinking "they picked actors about the same height as Gibson."


Once again, gibson was never more than 5'8" in his prime. Go to any "celebrity heights" website. It's quite easy to find, with documentation.


Why is his being shorter a problem? Oh, right, men aren't supposed to be short because it's 'unsexy', so we pretend they don't exist.

I applaud them for not bothering with the typical Hollywood illusion. More films should be like this.


i've called my congresswoman, and she said she would investigate

