MovieChat Forums > Due Date (2010) Discussion > Where you offended when RDJ hit the kid ...

Where you offended when RDJ hit the kid with his fist...???

i was like "WTF ??? am i supposed to laugh at that ??" i know the kid was a jerk but come on...he's like 70 Lbs....


This thread is full of people who LOVE to argue. That much we can all agree on.

messageboard rules are serious business. like really serious.


It was hilarious!



not nearly as offended as when peter spat in sonny's face, i seriously doubted my love for RDJ as an actor after that, he redeemed himself a bit later though.

H is pronounced Aitch NOT Haitch !


I'm sorry but the scene where he punched the kid was painfully unfunny. I love extreme comedy but its the way the entire film and scene was handled. Up to this point RDJ character comes off as just as much an *beep* as Galifinakis.

By showing us the kids with a deadbeat drug dealing mother I felt sorry for them. Then they are plonked down with a complete stranger (which would happen a lot selling drugs)and to top it off the little girls asks RDJ's character to take her with him.

The boy he hit was clearly acting out at his situation, the punch was just more abuse for a child in an unfair situation (which RDJ acknowledges by talking about child protective services). It just made me hate his character all the more

As a drama its fine but funny? no, no its not

Cocaine & Popcorn -


That was like one of the only funny parts I thought lol. Don't worry it was just a movie he's not really goin around punching kids...



I have to agree with cdmont729 - the kid deserved it.

RDJ's character asked him several times to not keep pulling his tie and this clearly made no impression on the boy.

I doubt that one punch is going to improve the boy's behaviour. I'm not suggesting that he should have been hit several times it's just that they clearly know that they can do what they want with no fear of any punishment.


No the little c++t deserved it.
Kids need telling...

RIP Walker....


I hate how kids use today's hypersensitive politically correct society to operate as little brats that have immunity from the consequences of the world. In real life when I see a kid like that I make it a point to do something about. I do not hit them though for fear of the legal ramifications, and the further altercations I am guaranteed to have with their parents. However, in this movie I felt RDJ's character was perfectly justified because the kid was actually touching. Not how I would have reacted, but good to see someone else do it. Even if it is just fiction. More than that I loved how the kid took it like a man, and you could tell that the kid actually respected RDJ for putting him in his place. It is actually detrimental for the kid not to have an authority figure. It makes children feel more secure and therefore less likely to lash out.
