MovieChat Forums > RoboCop (2014) Discussion > RoboCop 2014 is the worst remake ever ma...

RoboCop 2014 is the worst remake ever made.

The Point Break remake is forgotten about now as well.

Keep it up studios!


Robocop (2014) was an abomination!

It took every element that was great about the original-the cartoon violence, the razor sharp satire, the cynicism, the pathos and great characters and junked them in favour of lowest common denominator thrills and a cynically lucrative 12A/PG-13 certificate!

The only saving grace was that it didn't spawn a franchise-Transformers take note!

The R rated Dredd was a far better stab at the "future cop" premise and should be applauded and far more widely seen.

Bring Back Dredd sequel Facebook page:


Robocop (2014) was an abomination!

I agree. In my post I wasn't implying that it isn't dreadful - It is a piece of sh*t. I merely suggested that I don't think it is the worst remake ever ... not that this is saying much of course... That 2014 Robocop isn't the deepest turd inside the heap of crap remakes that Hollywood has produced recently, isn't a saving grace for this film by any means.


It's ok we're on the same page and I get where you're coming from, there really has been a lot of utterly pointless remakes of late, Poltergeist, The Omen, Total Recall, etc, so I do feel your pain!
There's plenty more to come too!

Bring Back Dredd sequel Facebook page:


I'm in shock. Until I saw it today on a cable channel, I had no idea this movie had been made. Never saw a trailer. Never read any press. That said the first film will always have my heart.

The truth of life has been revealed.



That and Ghostbusters were terrible remake this was great in my opinion (I wished that they had Peter Weller and Nancy Allen).


No one mentioned the Conan 2011 remake, thats how forgettable that piece of sh!t was.

So that one is the worst imo


The Robocop 2014 was a masterpiece worthy of an Oscar or three compared to the new version of Total Recall; THAT was one crappy, crappy flick.


They are both crap. The new RoboCop was *beep* terrible as well.


Remakes usually aren't as good anyway, but it at least has more to offer than PSYCHO (1998).


This is no were close to the worst remake ever made its not even in the same ball park as the worst remakes what hurts this film is lack of violence an satire but the films itself is well acted an has some fun action its just not as clever or as violent as the original but it has enough descent stuff to keep it from coming close to being the worst or one of the worst


I disagree.

I stand by my original statement. RoboCop 2014 is the worst movie ever made.
