MovieChat Forums > Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) Discussion > I thought this was awful (no spoilers)

I thought this was awful (no spoilers)

There's nothing wrong with analysing movies to find deeper meanings behind the narrative and visual elements. In fact, not only can those findings be quite accurate but they can also reveal patterns, qualities, and other pieces of information that help us all understand cinema, as a whole, in a more profound way.

But some films aren’t worth the time spent dissecting them. ‘Zack Snyder's Justice League’ is the cinematic equivalent of chugging a gallon-sized can of Monster Energy - it contains zero nutritional value, just copious amounts of caffeine and sugar. Not only does it become less flavoursome the longer that you consume it, but it’s actually harmful to your brain, resulting in slowed cognitive function and deficits in memory and attention.

After four hours and two minutes of pouring ‘Zack Snyder's Justice League’ into your eyes, you’ll find yourself using your fists for everyday tasks, like reading a book, watching TV or preparing a sandwich. It will also make you more awesome at english, which means you can use apostrophes whenever “you w’an’t to”, even in words like “nuclear”, which doesn’t even have an apostrophe yet. “M’uh, m’an!”

You have to wonder how Snyder’s new cut even came to exist after Joss Whedon thoroughly scorched the earth with his even more terrible patchwork job. My personal theory is that a small number of social media accounts essentially "gamed" Twitter to get their #ReleasetheSnyderCut hashtags trending and give the impression of a groundswell of public opinion fiercely supportive for the film.

A vicious feedback loop saw online commentators and Warner Bros. executives pointing to trending hashtags as evidence of what ordinary moviegoers were thinking. This then encouraged and appeared to vindicate the accounts pushing the hashtags.

‘Zack Snyder's Justice League’ is like a pufferfish that managed to make itself appear much bigger, which led to it becoming bigger for real.

You can read all of my latest film reviews here:


My personal theory is that a small number of social media accounts essentially "gamed" Twitter to get their #ReleasetheSnyderCut hashtags trending and give the impression of a groundswell of public opinion fiercely supportive for the film.

A vicious feedback loop saw online commentators and Warner Bros. executives pointing to trending hashtags as evidence of what ordinary moviegoers were thinking. This then encouraged and appeared to vindicate the accounts pushing the hashtags.

‘Zack Snyder's Justice League’ is like a pufferfish that managed to make itself appear much bigger, which led to it becoming bigger for real.

Excellent theory and I think you are 100% correct. People who think Hack Snyder's "vision" for DC was awesome and loved it and want more of it because he was "robbed" represent a TINY MINORITY of comic book fans, but they've used social media to convince gullible execs that they are a huge fan "movement". We've seen this phenomenon on the internet numerous times before, starting with the way Snakes on a Plane appeared to have rabid following that was waiting on baited breath for the film, but when the film was ACTUALLY released, the response from the public was "meh". This goes beyond entertainment too, like how Ron Paul overwhelmingly won every internet poll for President, when people actually voted, his support was in single digits.

What's really sad is the Snyderites have convinced gullible YouTube personalities like Nerdrotic that they represent "the fans" as a whole, and if you don't support the Snyder cut, you're "anti-fan" or something. Bull. I've been a Superman fan long before Hack Snyder ruined him!


That kinda the thing, All these Youtube personalities didn't even care about the Snydercut. Until it was announced and then there like "This is a Huge Win for Fans". For what fans, Certainly not the fans that love these characters and want them to resemble there comic book counterparts. And interaction with Snyderfans online, there just fucking weird, they don't act like snyder isn't just a director. But hes an infallible god. Which i guess is same problems when came to Nolanites. But at least Nolan movies are better than Snyder shit. So people acting like Zack is Stanley Kubrick is more infuriating.




We've seen this phenomenon on the internet numerous times before

Research has shown that a small number of accounts can push an issue to trend, which demonstrates how broken Twitter's mechanics are. Accounts can be set up solely to tweet a specific issue. It's almost a game played by people to get certain hashtags trending on a certain day, or to shape the narrative around Zack Snyder that he's some kind of "anti-establishment underdog" instead of a Hollywood director with a background in advertising.

Twitter also encourages this kind of thing - when these types of emotionally charged hyper-partisan discussions emerge, users eat it up.

You can read all of my latest film reviews here:


I'm not a fan. But when I started the move I had to ask myself why it was over 4 hours. Then 2 minutes later I stopped watching it.

Actually, Monster Energy (caffeine) is good for your brain and can stave off dementia and Alzheimer's.

I have to find it funny that people think CEOs make serious decisions based off of what is trending on Twitter. Sure, stupid people make decisions based off of Twitter, but when you're dealing with real money you can do much better market research than a teenager checking what is trending on Twitter.


Now that is a hell of a review


You people are so deluded. DC did the market study and got it right. 150K Imdb votes after 4 days. It will end with more than JL Whedon.


"You people are so deluded."

DCEU zealots exhibit textbook projection. You people cling, and cling, and cling to subpar-to-average movies and just lash out at the rest of the world when they don't eat the shit up.
