Will DC v Marvel ever happen



I hope so but only if DC wins


Why split 2 billion dollars if you can make 1 billion dollars on your own? I don't see it ever happening.

It'd be dumb anyhow. Every time they do a crossover vs deal, both sides get their licks in and there's never a clear winner. If King Kong isn't ripping off Godzilla's head and shoving it up his ass, why are we even watching?


Someone in the twitter thread said

They'll probably save it and do it for the same reason they did it in the 90s. Comics started to fail then so they'll probably do it when CBM start to fail

Makes sense that this will be the 'endgame' in about 10y time


Unless they bring back Afleck and Cavil with RDJ and Evans ain't nobody gonna care.


Last I checked, Godzilla Kong, twice. While we’re at it:

-Jason Vorhees ultimately beat Freddy Krueger
-the Predator defeated the Alien (several aliens actually)
-Thor beat Iron Man and Hulk (not in versus movies, but still)

and while these last two are debatable:
-Batman beat Superman
-Cap beat Iron Man

There have been clear winners, most of the time.


Five years ago I would have said no way. The MCU didn't need it. However, their star has dimmed with some of their more recent output. If Gunn's new DCU actually lands big and helps bring the franchises toward a more even footing, I wouldn't absolutely rule it out.


Who'd win in a fight?

Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, The Flash & Cyborg.


Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, The Incredible Hulk, Spider-Man & Doctor Strange.


I think the inclusion of Dr Strange makes this easy for Marvel. If DC replaced Flash (Marvel have no speedsters on their team) with Dr Fate I'd say DC would probably take it.


Let's replace Doctor Strange with Black Widow to ensure DC victory!



