MovieChat Forums > I Spit on Your Grave (2010) Discussion > Why did the guys rape and assault Jennif...

Why did the guys rape and assault Jennifer?

Seems like a basic question, but if you think about it, the answer isn’t simple/obvious. Or rather, it may seem obvious to individuals, but if you compare what people think, I think you’d find people are not in agreement.

Maybe the question can’t be answered since, technically, this didn’t really happen.

But if the assumption is that this could happen, there is probably a reason why.

So what do you think?

To start it off:

You often hear people, coming from a certain perspective, insist that “Rape is really about power [and not sex]”. I agree that rape is sometimes (or often, etc) about power, but I don’t agree with the implication that it is only power and not about sex. In fact, I think consensual sex, too, is very often “about power.”

Interestingly, I think the situation in this film is one where power does play a huge role…though sex does, too. And maybe some other things, too. Further, what sort of “power”? Why is this “power” being asserted?

Your film gods: Lee Van Cleef and Laura Gemser


Because she was an easy target and they were depraved Sociopaths....

Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man....


Because she was an easy target and they were depraved Sociopaths....

To the point and precise. Not sure why the OP is so fascinated by this subject. Kind of disturbing really.



Seems like a basic question, but if you think about it, the answer isn’t simple/obvious. Or rather, it may seem obvious to individuals, but if you compare what people think, I think you’d find people are not in agreement.

Maybe the question can’t be answered since, technically, this didn’t really happen.

But if the assumption is that this could happen, there is probably a reason why.

So what do you think?

To start it off:

You often hear people, coming from a certain perspective, insist that “Rape is really about power [and not sex]”. I agree that rape is sometimes (or often, etc) about power, but I don’t agree with the implication that it is only power and not about sex. In fact, I think consensual sex, too, is very often “about power.”

Interestingly, I think the situation in this film is one where power does play a huge role…though sex does, too. And maybe some other things, too. Further, what sort of “power”? Why is this “power” being asserted?

Your film gods: Lee Van Cleef and Laura Gemser

First reason is: "they are characters in rape&revenge movie". It's hard to have R&R if there's not "rape" plot, much like it's hard to have a haunted house movie without haunted house.

Second reason, they were idiots. Now, considering R&R movies from 70s and 80s, lot of them in fact had "country vs city" subplots involved. It's obviously toned down in newer movies, because bunch of oversensitive people would be offended by this... but take a look at one of the best "CvC" movies "Deliverance". Why does those rednecks sodomize other men? Remember the "pig" scene? Who know why they did it.


Because she was stupid. I mean, moving into a cabin in the middle of nowhere and giving hillbilly guys your address and even bringing a hillbilly sheriff back to your place is just stupidity. When they all showed up at her house like horny dogs, she should have just said "Yeah, sure, why not, it will be fun". I do think she enjoyed it.


They did those things to her body (which I don't view as a rape), because she was smoking hot, very sexy, and basically she was asking for it.


When one subculture feels threatened, or even just "different" from another, then inappropriate behaviour becomes "justifiable".

Look at how the Anglo half of North America regard the Hispanic half. Look at how many were all too willing to believe the litany of lies invented to justify invading Iraq and unleashing ISIS onto the world. Look at how negroes continue to be treated by many of their fellow citizens, even those pledged to "protect & serve".

In the name of her foreign policy, millions of "other" innocent civilians are murdered, raped, assaulted, tortured, maimed and dehumanised by the citizens of the USA just because they're different.

Why was she assaulted? For the same reasons that you do the same to billions of the poorest, most wretched and downtrodden, defenceless men, women & children all over the third world everyday.
