MovieChat Forums > Cowboy Bebop (2021) Discussion > Sad it turned out the way it did

Sad it turned out the way it did

Think the reviews already reflect how this show is going atm and it isn't good. Not many good live adaptation from games/anime out there. For some reason the acting or story telling is just so different from Hollywood standards, I don't get it. Why can't they ever get it right?


There was no other way it could have ended, I don't think.

I honestly don't know why they still try. The simple fact that anime never translates well into live-action notwithstanding, who's supposed to be their audience? Fans of the original most likely won't care and will be turned off by any deviations from the source material, and the general public won't even know or care that there was an original to begin with, so really... why bother?


Because it works so well with comic books ...


Good point. The way they adapt comic books is VERY loosely. I thnk that's the key. Look at the first modern comicbook movie, X-Men. All the costumes has nothing, nothing to do with the source material. Classic comicbook movie, Batman 1989 also didn't use blue and grey. Look at Thor, Shang-Chi, Aquaman, etc. They only took the concept of the character / story from the comicbook and reinvent everything else specifically for the cinema.

But it doesn't happen when they adapt anime / manga. They keep trying to simulate the look of the original, but also trying to change things up (inevitably.) It leads to a mish-mash hodgepodge mess. It's similar, but it's not it. It feels fake. It's a knock-off.


They're targeting the insecure adult crowd that refuses to watch the anime because cartoons are for kids, but heard good things about it.


Yeah, it's the only explanation I can think of as well... though I would have imagined (correctly, as it turns out) there's hardly enough of those out there to carry an entire show.


Three words for you: Edge of Tomorrow.

Ok, I'm joking, it's not adapted from anime, but novel.

One word for you: Alita.

Ok, I'm joking again, it's a boring movie, Alita and Terminator Dark Fate are two reasons make me believe James Cameron loss the mojo.

Yes, you're right, for some reasons adapted from american comics is easy, but not from japanese.


Visually, the live-action Ghost in the Shell movie was a cinematic masterpiece (story and characterizations notwithstanding).


Visually? I don't remember a thing, speaking of visually masterpiece, only three movies make me "whoa" in past 10 years: Dune, Blade Runner 2049, Mad Max 4.


Mad Max 4 had way too much CGI compared to the other three films. The sandstorm looked like it came out of a video game.

Blade Runner 2049 also had too much CGI and not enough on-the-ground scenes that were as memorable as the original.

Haven't seen the new Dune and probably never will, even though I really like Josh Brolin, Dave Bautista, and Jason Momoa.

Even though i didn't like Power of the Dog, that film had some gorgeous cinematography, along with the Dutch film, The 12th Man.

As for Ghost In The Shell, the live-action film did have some fairly impressive visual scene setups, like the ones pictured below:


Complaint CGI? Then You should't said "visually", but "cinematography."

And Ghost In The Shell is CGI heavy movie too.


You're right, Ghost in the Shell is a CGI-heavy film, but the cinematography is done in such a way as to make the film feel visually engrossing. It's not used to simply convey a video game-esque scenario, like many of the action beats in Mad Max.

I also wish Blade Runner 2049 had more expansive ground sets in the city like the original. The sequel felt cramped and tight, as if they were working with very small set pieces. The only time the movie's cinematography opened up was in more barren and empty places, which was weird given that the original Blade Runner was the complete opposite, with lots of wide-angle shots on large set pieces within crowded environments. It's what helped make the film feel much bigger and more expansive as a fully realized fictional world, despite the book doing absolutely ZERO to encompass what the Blade Runner world actually did look like.

Also, notice in the Ghost in the Shell shots a lot of it doesn't actually look like CGI... it looks like it was shot on location (of which many scenes were). So it added to the "on the ground feeling" that at least made it feel like it was in a lived-in society. Again, this is just complimenting the skill of the director of photography and the scene compositors for making the film seem visually engrossing.


Did not think so. So race swapping is only a problem if it is done to a white person got it. I am glad Dune was a success as well. It shows you knew nothing about how cinema works. Why should I put stock in what you say again?


There was no race swapping in GITS. The Major looks pretty much very European in the anime ...


"in the Ghost in the Shell shots a lot of it doesn't actually look like CGI... it looks like it was shot on location."

Meh, it looks CGI to me, Dune is the only movie I saw and thinking "OMG, it looks fxxking REAL! But it can't be real, the location must be CGI, how can they make it so real?"


Meh, it looks CGI to me,

That's the crazy part, though, check out the shots below... this is what it looked like shooting on location:

This was especially impressive given that all they really did was alter the color correction:


"shooting on location" doesn't make it a visually masterpiece, most movies shot on location.

Speaking of which, the best cinematography I ever seen is The Last of Mohicans (Saving Private Ryan is second).


"shooting on location" doesn't make it a visually masterpiece, most movies shot on location.

Yeah, but not all of them look good, lol

Speaking of which, the best cinematography I ever seen is The Last of Mohicans (Saving Private Ryan is second).

I don't know if I would put Last of the Mohicans that high... it's certainly shot well, but more-so than Dances With Wolves or Geronimo? Tough call.

You make a good argument for Saving Private Ryan, though. I do think The Thin Red Line was actually even more beautifully shot than Saving Private Ryan, but I really, really, really didn't like that movie.


Dune was a stunning film! In my book the best movie of the year.


Funny were you upset with the thewhitewashing of Scarjo being cast as an Asian woman? Also no Blade Runner 2049, mad max Fury Road, Dune and the revenant had way better cinematography and visuals than that garbage film did.


The Major looks European in the Anime as well - or at least a-racial, you should try watching it. Plus: in both she is still an Asian woman with a synthetic body.


Key word there an Asian woman! Scarjo is not Asian.


Are you that dense??? In the anime the Major (the character that ScarJo plays) doesn't have the appearance of an Asian woman either.

In the movie ScarJo PLAYS an Asian woman with a cybernetic body that looks almost EXACTLY like the one in the anime. Let me repeat it: in the original GITS that character played by ScarJo DOES NOT LOOK ASIAN!!!! And is not even a woman anymore, it's a cyborg ...

I swear you people are that stupid and I can bet you never even saw the original, otherwise you would know this. I wonder if you even saw the live action movie, since you don't know that what's inside ScarJo's positronic brain IS an Asian woman.

On a second note, let me ask you this: did you complain about body switching between races and genders in "Altered Carbon"??? When people were using different sleeves at different moments?? When they replaced the main white guy with a black guy while at some point he was Asian?


Why would they need her to play an Asian woman? Why not cast an Asian to play an Asian? Never saw Altered Carbon therefore I have no idea what you are talking about.

Also no Motoko Kusanagi does look Asian I disagree.


She is not playing an Asian woman, she is playing a cyborg. A cyborg has no race.

Are you going to complain that R2D2 is white?

She doesn't look Asian to me:*WzYRdYtr7TID-XySrEgy8Q.jpeg

Even if you take only the very light blue eyes you should realize that's not very Japanese ... plus the shape of the eyes is NOT east Asian ...


No that looks rather Asian to me.


Well, we agree to disagree.

Asians don't have big blue round eyes.


This is where we part ways. Later bud.


Why not cast an Asian to play an Asian?


If black actors can play white parts and woman can play male parts then why can't a white actor play an asian.

Or is it the more likely that it is fine for any actor to play any part unless that actor is white then they are not allowed.


None of that bothers me. I am holding these hypocritical people accountable. People get all up in arms when a character that is traditionally white gets race swapped but say nothing when it goes the other way. Either we call it out in every case or we stay quiet. Can't have it both ways.


Agree with this (of course there will be situations in which the casting can be controversial - like the GITS one) but generally speaking I agree. With one small addendum: if the actor is seen as the wrong race but looks close to what the role is, I don't care.

Like Jake Gylenthal in PoP. Or if they want a latino as Snow White I'm ok as long as she has ... white skin. (I know, latino is not a race).


I don't care so long as the race isn't essential to the character. If you change Mulan from Asian to white dumb. It's dumb because mulan's ethnicity is heavily implied and essential. Catwoman does not matter her race isn't essential.


the general public won't even know or care that there was an original to begin with

so what ? does that mean they cant enjoy it?


Of course they can; but given the results of nearly every single attempt thus far - this one included - they generally don't.

Which makes paying for IP rights, instead of just creating something new for free, a rather puzzling business decision in my mind.


If you think about it from the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) point of view, it makes sense.

It's not about the money, it's about the messaging... why? Because the messaging leads to more money, even if consumers hate the product.

In the end, they get paid by the central banks to corrupt minds with propaganda, as opposed to making content that people actually enjoy.


What was wrong with it?

i ask as someone who hasnt seen the anime orig.


The show failed because the tits weren't big enough, at least as suggested by Daniella Pineda's pathetically whiny rant. Actors like Pineda just can't accept the most obvious reason for their failures. Namely, both they and their shows suck.






It usually follows the same trend.

IP is bought
IP is remade
Ip is changed for "a modern audience"
Fans of original IP complain
Fans of orignal IP are called "ism" or "phobe"
Ratings tank
IP is cancelled

Rinse and Repeat

They will never learn that something is popular the way it already is and when you then change it for an audience who didn't watch it in the first place you alienate the original fandom.

See nearly every fandom in recent times that has had this done to an old IP
