Already cancelled

I haven't finished it yet, but I see the show has been cancelled. It doesn't seem like Netflix gives it's show a long enough chance to catch on, but I have no idea what they base cancellations on. I say the main reason is the miscast of the show. It was all wrong.


netflix always cancels shows too soon, have they ever let one finish out yet?

Glow was just starting to get interesting, then cancelled.


This was quick, even by Netflix standards. The internal numbers must have been pretty bad. Glow got three seasons.


yeah, but they always end on cliff hangers. so annoying...


I'm unfamiliar with the source material but this show had a weird tone and also seemed kinda cheap... at least when compared to stuff like The Mandalorian.


These wannabe hack producers decided to fix what wasnt broken (original anime) and turned into to a poorly made Seinfeld parody.
