MovieChat Forums > Cowboy Bebop (2021) Discussion > Does anyone who DIDN'T see the Anime, st...

Does anyone who DIDN'T see the Anime, still think this is Bad?

It seems that people who came into the live show first like it better, that's why it has slow mounting support. The initial hardcore viewers who had seen the anime hated it, but over time the casual viewers who are coming in cold, seem to like it more.


Essentially people with no taste and a lifetime of predictive programming from today's media institutions will more than likely like it, because it fits in line with their current corporate-approved consumption of media.

People who grew up on quality media from past generations have something to measure the show against (i.e., the anime). People who have no taste because they grew up on the SJW-laden propaganda of the last 15 or so years might actually think it's good because they're unaware of better media.

Essentially, uncultured people can thoroughly enjoy trash because they have not experienced higher-quality art yet.


Ive not seen the original and I liked it.

In spite of all that shit Cyg just posted I dont really see myself as a no taste , programmed , corporate approved content munching , SJW propaganda swallowing uncultured person who has not experienced higher art (ie the aforementioned cartoon)


Well you both are proving the hypothesis to be true so far. Cyg saw the anime first, and hated this show. And the reverse for you.


My guess would be that's because this show and the original have basically nothing in common.

The anime was an unique mishmash of influences from all over the place - Westerns, Hong Kong cinema, hardboiled fiction, film noir, hard sci-fi, etc. - which, despite all odds, actually coalesced into a coherent whole. Perhaps even more importantly, it took itself seriously. It spent a fair deal of time detailing things like hyperspace gate tolls, terraforming techniques and the logistics of goods transportation through space for no other reason than to make the world the series is set in as cohesive and believable as possible, and though there were certainly silly episodes, such as Mushroom Samba, Toys in the Attic or Cowboy Funk, each of the main characters' main story was handled with every bit of the appropriate dramatic weight. It never once does this current-day Hollywood "LOL, look how goofy this whole thing is" bit.

This show, on the other hand, seems to live and die by it, from the over-stylized, cartoonish visuals to the incessant Joss Whedon quipping; it doesn't seem to know or care about any of the influences the original wore on its sleeve, and seems to me, quite frankly, about as concerned with creating a believable hard sci-fi setting as Guardians of the Galaxy was.

So really, it wouldn't surprise me if people who are unfamiliar with the original would be more likely to enjoy it, as it is essentially Cowboy Bebop in name only.


I like this show, but I've never seen the original. I think I'll watch it while it's on Netflix. I still think John Woo is out of place. He's too old for this role.


Hadn't seen the anime before starting the show & Well, it's not bad, it just mediocre.

I really wanted to like it & It has all the ingredients of a good show but it's just missing something. It just didn't "click" for me.
