MovieChat Forums > X: First Class (2011) Discussion > Does anybody but me like this movie bett...

Does anybody but me like this movie better than DOFP?

I will fully admit that Days of Future Past probably is probably better directed. Additionally, in this one, the effects/makeup (Beast and Mystique) as well as a bit of the acting (the two Jennifers) are a bit cheesy. That aside, I find myself coming back and rewatching this more than DOFP.


I actually think this is the best X-Men movie (not counting Logan, which is leaps and bounds ahead of the rest). I like it on all levels: acting, story, action, and especially the music. I guess the CGI has aged, but that is bound to happen. I think I like this the best because it really fleshes out the relationship between Xavier and Magneto and it has lots of callbacks/references to X-Men 2000. It introduces many new characters and sets the stage for the future films quite well. I think Xavier and Magneto's relationship is the strongest part of the film. I particularly like Magneto during this film as we get to experience his rage, revenge, and full turn.

In comparison to DOFP, I found it to be a return to a Wolverine focused film rather than exploring other characters, not that I don't like Wolverine, but we had three films focused around him. The premise was somewhat interesting, but I just didn't like how the story played out. I will need to re-watch it, since it has probably been at least five years. I just remember it being kind of boring.


First Class is better because it is more enjoyable. It is more enjoyable because it has a smaller scope than Days. The smaller scope lets the audience warm to the story and to the characters. (Then too: Kevin fucking Bacon, having a blast chewing up
the scenery.) Days is much too full of its smug self. We’d reached the time when superhero movies started to think they were dramatically equal to Homer and Shakespeare, which they categorically are not, nor ever shall be. Days implodes under its own ponderousness. First Class glides on.

PS It pisses me off that the filmmakers arrogantly appropriated the title of a Moody Blues album, as if they felt they were the artistic equals of the Moodies. I realize that the target audience for days had probably never heard of the Moody Blues, and I don’t give a damn. I imagine the studio paid a fee for the rights to use the title. If the title does not conjure up memories for the target audience, why use the title? The obvious answer is sheer creative incompetence and sloth.


This was way better.


I like both but I really didn't like that they made Mystique into a hero. And in Dark Phoenix she was the team leader! Also so many characters did not get used from the comics or the animated series which would have made the films better. Kitty Pryde should have been used over Mystique as a hero. Maybe use Mystique instead of Emma Frost as the main female villain.


First Class is much better All X-Mens With Singers involvement are tainted because of Singers pervy nature


This is definitely better. The futuristic doom and gloom setting is too bleak and ugly and the "direct time link" angle of DOFP never made any sense to me.
