Even The Awkward Title...

...is kinda brilliant. Most professionals (people who know what they're doing) would likely name the podcast Murders in the Building. But simply lifting verbatim a phrase in their planning discussion is a subtle nod to their clumsy ineptitude. Nice touch.

Normally, I can take Steve Martin Short (!) in small doses, but this is proving to be pretty entertaining.


Ah, I see what I did there, I remember it from "Larry David Schwimmer" in Curb Your Enthusiasm. 😄

And speaking of the title, the font is that of The New Yorker magazine, did you notice?


And brilliant it has been. Really digging it, top-notch.


I’m really enjoying this show!

Last year my fav new show discovery was ‘Ted Lasso’ and this year it’s ‘Only Murders’.

I’ve always loved Steve Martian and Martin Short so it was a no brainer for me to watch but I am surprised how much I am loving it.

I’ve never seen Selena Gomez in anything before and am enjoying the dynamic of them bouncing off a much younger person. The ‘generation gap’ humour is nicely done.

Plus I really enjoy the incidental music on this show.

Big thumbs up from me!


I love it, it's hilarious.


And the title is genius.


The title is hilarious. Got the feeling that its origin is defensive. They didn't want any suits to mess with their high concept that all the murders happen in the same building so they chose to title to ensure that they can't!
