MovieChat Forums > Only Murders in the Building (2021) Discussion > Ever watch something, not dislike it, bu...

Ever watch something, not dislike it, but not care either?

I watched the first two episodes in one sitting. Enjoyed them. The 3rd a day or so later. Enjoyed that too. Didn't see 4 or 5 and haven't felt compelled to watch more. Ever see something and not hate it - or even dislike it - but was not moved to seek it out again and can't figure out why.


I don't feel this way about this show, but that is how I've felt about an increasing number of TV shows, which I suspect would have made good movies 10-15 years ago but due to changes about what gets greenlit have instead become rather protracted TV shows.


I feel like that about movie dramas a lot. I saw that brad Pitt baseball flick and had no complaints about it, but never wanted to see it again.


Exactly the same. 4 and 5 are sitting in my computer, waiting to be watched, but I just don't feel the pull.


I actually found myself saying why didn't I go back and watch the most recent two episodes? I enjoyed the first 3. But I wasn't interested despite that, LOL.


Yes. This has happened with a few shows for me. The Walking Dead is one of them.


This is going to be an unpopular response. That's how I felt about the Matrix.


Meh, you feel how you feel. It's a gut reaction, no big deal.


Man, this is spot on. I watched the first episode with great anticipation. It was... okay. The second was really kind of boring. I faded out somewhere in the middle of the third and haven't gone back.

It's just kinda there. It's not really that funny, not really that intriguing, not really that suspenseful. It's a shame because I dig Martin and Short together.


I am a sucker for stuff with unconventional family type stuff, something about strangers coming together and bondig draws me in, which is why I wanted to watch this, but it just isn't wowing me. It's not bad, but meh.

I think a part of it is I didn't love Selena's character knowing the murder victim. It's also funny, but not as funny as I was hoping. I can't quite pinpoint why this doesn't do much for me.


Honestly, Selena knowing the character was an issue. It took a lot of the mystery of the person out, as well as the three of them bumbling around solving it together.


I’m on episode 7 and it’s ok. I’m a bit disappointed with it but I’ll finish the series. Selena Gomez is getting on my last nerve but I enjoy Martin and Steve.

