So much stupidity

When the mountain is being closed due to bad weather, they decide to go up one last time, and do a quick descent. Why did the girl go with them? She was a novice at snowboarding and fell very often. She would not have been able to do a fast run down the mountain.

The ski lift does not have a proper procedure to make sure nobody is on it before switching it off.

Man-eating wolves in a ski resort!

When you pee in your pants, eventually your bottom will freeze.

The chairlift falling apart for no reason.

The safety cable for the chairlift isn’t strong enough to hold the chair.

They don’t zip their jackets all the way up. (ok, I accept that this done by the director so we can see their faces, but it is stupid)

They did not bring their cell phones.


I can accept the wolves for giving the film more danger, but it is highly unlikely that youngsters part without their cell phones these days.


Them not having a cell phone is my biggest problem with this movie. This generation (college kids, late high school students) ALWAYS have their cell matter where they are. You practically have to pry them out of their hands. It's not realistic that they haven't even addressed the issue of cell phones.


Wolves, well yeah.

But then, the bones sticking out like that after a fall in snow wasntl't very realistic also.

And then their apparent stupidity: taking off snowboard before jumping, not flipping gloves after one side was destroyed etc

And why did girl came after they agreed on one manly ride? Would she had been left alone on the top of the mountain?

But it still wasn't as bad as I expected. 6/10



Can't you break your legs from jumping into water from such a great height? I don't see how snow wouldn't do it too.

I think the wolves were a little far fetched but the first guy's death was inevitable either way after the jump.

Ignore the smoke.


That leg breaking scene was insane.


Yeah. That scene was so disturbing to me.

Ignore the smoke.


They did not bring their cell phones.

don't you know in the same situations in all other movies they always forgets their cell phones ?
the director always wanted it like so


I think there is more stupidity in the original post and in this thread than there was in the movie. lol

The wolves are the only thing that genuinely seem to be a stretch. The rest of it you can argue any way you want. This is not a ridiculous premise in and of itself because this HAS happened in real life before. In fact, very shortly after this film was released it happened in real life. The people stuck did not die or anything but they did in fact get stranded on the chair lift and the workers didn't realize they left them up there. :-/

"Why couldn't the monkey arrange this from INSIDE the garbage can?"


This movie was just one big suspension of disbelief, which is what I did, and enjoyed it.

*I know that I am stupid but when I look around me I feel a lot better.*


No one has mentioned the razor sharp cables which i presume were only made to be razor sharp for added drama


Plus it was awfully convenient that the ONE TIME the guy forgets to check if anyone is left on the chairlift, it happens to be on the last day they are open for the next 5 days. What kind of ski resort is only open 3 days a week?! Also too convenient.
