MovieChat Forums > Reptile (2023) Discussion > Question about their marriage (spoilers)

Question about their marriage (spoilers)

I could definitely see the contractor guy being okay with an affair with the wife, but I didn't get the feeling that the wife ( alicia silverstone ) was the type to cheat, but it definitely seemed like that's what the movie wanted you to think would happen had Benicio not stepped in and said something. It seemed Benicio and the wife had that type of close intimate bond/marriage where you wouldn't expect infidelity. Do you think the wife would have cheated if the contractor tried to initiate that?


Not clear on what her thought process was regarding that. I actually question why that was even put into the movie. It didn't seem to serve any purpose since there was no follow-through.


Agreed, I was trying to figure out the purpose of that scene. Did I miss something earlier where the contractor was hitting on her? It made me focus on her the rest of the movie trying to figure out if she had some sort of problem when she was really a minor player in the plot as opposed to what I should have been focusing on.


It was put into the film so as to humanize Nichols, as we all have doubts, whether it be in our self, in our spouse, in our relationships with our coworkers…., I thought it was a nice touch and added to the overall tension created throughout the film.


Nah she was clearly dedicated to him (her husband). Almost to the point of infatuation at times which seemed to be laying it on a bit thick as far as the movie goes. Anyway, no way would she have cheated.

Don't even know if the contractor had the idea of it in his head, but Benicio sure did. His warning to the guy was super menacing and fun.


He sure scared the crap out of the guy.


I think it was there to just let Tom have one less person to trust. At a couple points he's looking around the room and he doesn't know if he can confide in anyone - his boss, his partner and then his wife. He was isolated and alone.


i don't think she was unfaithful but flattered. the contractor was trying to get her into bed.
