MovieChat Forums > Napoleon (2023) Discussion > The last battle in the movie...did he lo...

The last battle in the movie...did he lose it?

It wasn't clear to me at the drive-in...they put him on a rock after that last battle. Why did they do that? Was it because he lost that last battle?

And why did he keep attacking other countries? Was he trying to conquer the world? Or were those countries a real serious threat?


Yes. He was exiled to Saint Helena in the Atlantic because he lost at Waterloo.

He had already been exiled -- to Elba -- and escaped, so he was put in the middle of nowhere in an ocean that was under the control of the British navy, meaning the chances of his returning to France were somewhere close to nil.

And why did he keep attacking other countries? Was he trying to conquer the world?

Yes. Kind of. He was most interested in the bit of the world that's in Europe. His main goal was a unified Europe under French control. It was the Age of Empires. People did that kind of thing.

But had he been successful, from that position he probably would have moved on to other areas. America was of interest. Having reluctantly sold Louisiana to the USA to fund the war against the British, he may well have tried to take it back at some point. And had his eye on Spanish-controlled territories on the continent.


Good response


He was about to win the last battle but then the English got Prussians reinforcements and won. The monarchies didn't want to kill an emperor because it would set a bad precedent so they exiled him on the rock instead, which was pretty rough considering how magnanimous he was when he won battles.

He was not attacking other countries much. Most of the time the monarchies were teaming up to attack and defeat him so he had to engage.


I can't believe the staggering ignorance & stupidity of the OP. He doesn't know Napoleon lost the battle of Waterloo? He can't follow the movie's simple storyline? If Americans are this idiotic, it's no wonder Trump leads in the polls.




Trust me (we) they are. Not that Iā€™m the least bit proud of it.


I saw it at a drive-in where the image on the screen is darker than normal including distractions one normally would not encounter at a regular walk in theatre. Moving on, there were indications that he lost that last battle towards the end; it simply just wasn't clear to me. On top of that I don't know the history and I'm not a history buff. And, with part of the tagline saying "He Conquered Everything" well...that didn't help and made things more confusing.

Also, when he dropped dead (sorry about the non spoiler alert) I didn't know if he was poisoned, shot or died of something else. That very last part is not clear clear either but I do know he died at that point...from what I have no idea.

The only thing I knew about Napoleon before watching that movie is he was a short guy which they make fun of in the movie "Time Bandits" (1981.)

At least here in this forum I'm able to ask questions and lots of nice people answered them which helped me understand what's going on, and I also learned a bit more about why certain things took place.

Thank you for your creative criticism.


I assume OP is trolling trying to suggest the movie needed more historical exposition. The sequence was fine the way it was, show some of the battle, Napoleon loses and goes to exile. We don't need 45 minutes of old men pointing at maps explaining every detail of the battle to us.


That's what I thought.


Not trolling at all. I don't know the history and so some things simply were not clear to me. Nothing more.


It's ok...isn't it longer ago?
Who knows about Napoleon? šŸ‘¼ā€‹
And isn't it always good to ask some questions?
Don't you make others feel happy to show their knowledge?
Aren't you an asset? šŸ§¦ā€‹

Abba - Waterloo "??"


Thanks, I know more about Abba than I know about Napoleon!


That's no surprise.


He won it. His prize was being a contestant on a kind of Napoleonic era Love Island on St Helena. He would have won the show but died of stomach cancer from all the shagging he did.


kek. And let's be honest, he shagged like a right shagger! Look at him go to town immediately any time he entered Josephine! Yaaahhoooo!!!
