MovieChat Forums > Rampage (2010) Discussion > Everyone missed the point of this film.

Everyone missed the point of this film.

This film is a statement against eugenics and far left environmental extremists. The killer's rhetoric sounds like Obama's science Czar's eugenics book in the 70's... the whole "the population is too great large", population control ideology, pushed by the scientific elite, the far left academia, that brainwash the youth about "population control". This movie is a huge statement against radical eugenics. Eric Holdren Obama's own science Czar, wrote a book promoting population control in the 70's.... he was a total eugenics believer, as was the killer in this film. That is the point of the film. Be careful of radical s scientific dictatorship and the pushed eugenics agenda, often pushed by academia and powerful elitists.


Can you elaborate on what you think of the overpopulation issue (or non-issue)?


As much as I don't care for Far Left politics you do know your wrong right? Listen to the audio commentary and its clear Mr Boll actually does believe a lot of that trite.

OZ is the best show ever... EVER!


It may make sense. For anyone who approaches left-wing ideology* with a salt of rational thinking it must be plain obvious that it is based on human enslavement and total control of every aspect of human life. It is anti-freedom while it disguises itself as a pro freedom movement. It is not. So every honest attempt at promoting left-wing ideology must come across as being overblown caricature of this movement because one cannot take it seriously. Overpopulation? The lack of resources? With each year we discover new ways to use new and old materials. Each year we tend to have more and more resources than a year before. The form of a resource changes, but the resource pool is not shrinking, to the contrary, it is expanding.

*excluding wars - wars are terrible and we should do everything to stop them.


Huh? You think that only left-wing ideology is about controlling every aspect of human life? Right-wing ideology has, at various times, tried to control who we can marry (based on race, nationality and gender), whether we can read about certain books or beliefs other than a quasi-official established system or religion. It has also set up many people in a state of control and dependency on certain private institutions (like banks) that have just as much power and control over millions of people as any totalitarian government ever did. Millions of people found this out in 2007 when Wall Street banks committed fraud on a massive scale, leading to the near collapse of the U.S. and world economies and forced unemployment of millions of workers, who did not benefit from the bank fraud before 2007 nor from the massive government bailouts after 2008.


Overpopulation? The lack of resources? With each year we discover new ways to use new and old materials. Each year we tend to have more and more resources than a year before. The form of a resource changes, but the resource pool is not shrinking, to the contrary, it is expanding.
What on earth are you talking about? The resources of our planet (or any planet) are finite and measurable. By that I mean total potential resources, the currently harvested ones plus the ones that can be extracted.

The two primary resources are a)clean water & food and b)usable energy. These needs work against each other, because we can either feed and water 7 and soon 8, 9 and 10 billion people or supply them with fuel and electricity, but we cannot do both. Massive food production requires a vast amount of energy, so we cannot add to all that CO2 output the one emitted by 8 billion people living like the average American, not even the average South European. The result would be a runaway greenhouse effect. Solar and wind are still too expensive and inefficient, requiring huge installations to be useful.

A 50% efficient solar cell at half the current price would be really sweeeet. You can reach ~45% with come multi-junction panels but they are so insanely expensive that only NASA and the military can afford them.

Fanboy : a person who does not think while watching.


Trite isn't a noun.


Cool story. You should write a book.

OZ is the best show ever... EVER!




I think that the main character uses said arguments to justify himself. But, in the end, he took revenge on people that pissed him off (the waitress, the café machine guy, even his baffling friend) and stole a lot of money (showing off, burning fake dollar bills). He is totally sucked into "need of money" capitalistic idea, he's not fighting it.

'What has been affirmed without proof can also be denied without proof.' (Euclid)


This movie has nothing to do with capitalism (except for a fact there are lots of products which capitalism made available to common people). This film is soaked with left wing propaganda and eugenics is part of it. If Uwe Boll believes in what is said in this movie (like overpopulation and so on - which I read on this site may be the case) then he is just plain stupid or ignorant.


This movie is a critic to capitalism. The guy robs the money for easy living and justifies himself using false ideologies the he doesn't even understand. Its stupidity is the critic itself.

'What has been affirmed without proof can also be denied without proof.' (Euclid)


Personally, I thought it was about a guy killing a bunch of people...

Then again what do I know?


then you didn't notice he robbed a lot of money and killed a friend to get away with it. watch it again.

'What has been affirmed without proof can also be denied without proof.' (Euclid)


Personally, I thought it was about a guy killing a bunch of people...

Then again what do I know?

You don't know much. Maybe you shouldn't watch movies you seem to have the attention span of a two year old, if all you got from this film was "A guy just killing a bunch of people."

Boy Wonder 9/10
Seeking Justice 6/10
The Hole 6/10
Control 7/10
Drive 7/10



Eugenics is not 'left wing propaganda', and was not remotely mentioned or implied in this film. Perhaps you are not understanding what eugenics actually is?

'Ethnic cleansing' is a form of eugenics practiced by the right wing Nazi regime under Hitler, for example.

So, it appears ignorance is something you may be familiar with.


Exactly. And people say it is right-wing ideology when it clearly is the opposite. It's like saying Hitler was a right wing politician. He was an enemy of Stalin, but it doesn't make him right-wing. Corporationism and collectivization are not right-wing ideas, eugenics is not also. The only people who are concerned with so called overpopulation are those who disdain common folk and want to control their lives like they knew better.


the only people concerned with overpopulation are racist white teabaggers. we have PLENTY of space in this country and even more on the planet. we have more than enough food to feed everyone but corporations and racist governments with-hold food aid and production as a bargaining chip for geo politics. open your mind and see that the "right" and "left" are essentially the same thing. like your right and left hands, the various political parties in this country all serve one master, one mind. money.




It's not about how much space the planet has, it's about how much of the planets resources each person uses. Things like water usage, trash production, etc. Droughts are making it harder and harder every year for crop production, not to mention the fact that the planet couldn't even support the population we have if everyone ate like Americans do. The American government shouldn't be giving aid to anybody right now, once we have all of our problems taken care of then we can think about giving aid to some of our closest allies, assuming they will be able to help us back which few will. I don't follow any particular political party, I agree with you on that. I can clearly see that some cultures will never mesh with our own and we shouldn't try to give them support. The more we do the lower our own quality of life will be. To say that there isn't anything wrong with an exploding population is just ignorant.


"the only people concerned with overpopulation are racist white teabaggers."

Like David Attenborough and a lot of scientists? There is plenty of room in this planet of ours, but do you have resources to all those people? Nope.

When Chinese and Indians are going to rise in same level with western countries, then you are going to see why overpopulation is a problem.


Hitler WAS a right-wing politician. Fascism is a far-right ideology- the polar opposite of communism.

Communism = public control of the means of production
Fascism = control through a unison of business + state


Hitler was as far right wing as you can get. Fascism itself is a right wing ideology, these are plain facts you can learn in any political science class.


@ MADMANMARZ you have got to be one of the biggest morons i have ever come across on imdb. congratulations...



I hate it when people over analyse a movie and make it out to be something it isn't.
Did the director claim that this was the point of the film?
No, so shut up.

Oh hai Mark!


You couldn't have missed the point of this movie more if you tried. It is simply a heist film. The main character uses a bunch of rhetoric and ideologies he doesn't believe in as a smoke screen for stealing a bunch of money. He had nothing but contempt for his "friend" and his inane banter online, and so he mocked him by framing him for the whole thing and killing him as well. That was the twist. That he wasn't just some psycho mass murderer but a cold, calculating sociopathic thief who got the last laugh on an "all talk, no action" society he despised. He realized he would rather be rich and selfish than try to help a world which showed no signs of wanting any help. Terrorism was simply his "sleight of hand".


Captain_Hindsight you are spot on my friend..


Seriously, I couldn't have said it better. People need to pay attention, and develop critical thinking skills.


thank you.


OP you mean John P. Holdren, and yes the 'cleanse the earth of the dirty humans' topic along with the gun massacre theme are blatantly not just there by chance, and the fact that we are yet again being beaten over the head with this common modern day idea(s) being injected into the collective psyche yet again is just laughable.
That being said, it was the reason I watched (and liked) the film cos I enjoy these things being put out there like this as it only adds validity to what made me curious about watching it in the first place.
I'm not saying that it wasn't a heist or that lots of people didn't get killed on a screen I happened to be looking at open mouthed, just that it was interesting on a diferent level if you are interested in eco-fascism, and that's all the OP is saying.

I'm not sure where watching+thinking=over analysing. It's not that bad yet surely?




You guys do actually know that the script for this entire movie could have been fitted on a table napkin? It was mostly improvised, so overinterpreting it is just plain stupid.
The rest of this topic made me laugh. Hard.
About resources: We have around 7 Billion people on this planet. Statistically, every US-American ate 123 kg meat in 2003 (source: Wikipedia, US-Americans consume the highest ammount of meat), if every person on this planet would have eaten that much meat, it would have been 861 billion kg meat. In one year.
In the US statistically everybody used 6.4 tons of oil equivalent (primary energy), the world average was 1.7, both values are for 2007 (source: This doesn't include regenerable energy. Yes, we do start exploiting new oil fields every year, but simply mostly because we start exploiting fields that weren't cost-effective in the past, but are now due to risen energy prices. We even go through great dangers, as the last oil catastrophy in the Gulf of Mexico has shown us. By the way, Japan is planning to reactivate it's nuclear reactors again, Fukushima anyone?
Oh, and of course we all produce waste, statistically the Russians produce most (or atleast they did in 2002), namely 1.439 Tons per person per year (source: That would have been 10.073 Billion Tons if everyone on this planet would have done the same. Yes, of course we do recycle, in 2006 we recycled about 6.6% of our waste, so roughly if all 7 Billion people would have produced the same ammount of waste as the russians did back in 2002, 9.4 Billion Tons of waste would have been unrecycled. Per year.
Of course this planet is overpopulated, and if everybody was on the same high standards, you would realize that pretty fast too.
(And I never thought I would have this discussion over an Uwe Boll movie).


Totally agree with Captain.


Well said


Really? Then why bother with the bingo scene? Or killing a bunch of people in public...if it were only a heist film? Also, if that's true...this is the dumbest heist film I've ever seen...all he literally does is run up the front door and shoot the guard, hold the employees at gun point and pretend to burn money. This movie was *beep* retarded.


Excellent summation. That is exactly how I took the film.

It's astonishing that it got made or funded. You would so expect that the 'good guys' would have prevailed and killed Bill to teach us all that you never profit from evil.

Huge credit to the director and the makers for making a controversial film with an even more controversial outcome.


^ This ^... as they say.


You make more sense than the OP, but I agree with another reply to you that it's not just about a heist. In fact I would say the heist/getaway is incidental, he used the fact that he was going round shooting everyone to get some money on the way so he could run away and have something to live on.

There is a sequel now called Rampage: Capital Punishment (find it in Connections) in which he does a similar thing for political purposes. Storyline: "Violent anti-hero Bill Williamson has a plan to change the world by exacting vengeance on the rich, and ripping Washington apart. He holds a number of people hostage and uses his captives as his political platform to spread his message and awaken humanity. It's time to destroy the system, and change won't happen peacefully." This would suggest his motive was always political, not personal.


Let me guess. You sometimes refer to people as "sheeple." Ah, such special snowflakes we have on the internet.
