MovieChat Forums > Rampage (2010) Discussion > Everyone missed the point of this film.

Everyone missed the point of this film.

This film is a statement against eugenics and far left environmental extremists. The killer's rhetoric sounds like Obama's science Czar's eugenics book in the 70's... the whole "the population is too great large", population control ideology, pushed by the scientific elite, the far left academia, that brainwash the youth about "population control". This movie is a huge statement against radical eugenics. Eric Holdren Obama's own science Czar, wrote a book promoting population control in the 70's.... he was a total eugenics believer, as was the killer in this film. That is the point of the film. Be careful of radical s scientific dictatorship and the pushed eugenics agenda, often pushed by academia and powerful elitists.



You know that eugenics is a pseudoscience that has almost exclusively been associated with extreme conservative ideologues, right? Eugenics was a big thing with Nazi and Neo-Nazi groups, folks who are about as antipodal to left wingers as you get. It has to do with genetic composition of a society and the supposed genetic superiority of certain races, not really population control at all. It's racism masquerading as science. Why exactly do you believe America's first black president would be a proponent of that?

Your misinformed, paranoid rants against academic elitists (i.e., folks who are actually educated by more than random conspiracy websites) is laughable. The only folks who really are against education are those who know that an informed person is harder to lie to.


Eugenics was actually promoted by governments around the world up until that whole Hitler thing. It was/is practiced by Ashkenazi Jews also. Put down the coloring book and read real history.


Yes, eugenics was at one time in the 20th century subscribed to by many across the political spectrum. But yes, after the "Hitler thing" (Wow, way to minimize) it was discredited and abandoned by all but a precious few fringe groups. However, it was/is pseudo-science of the lowest order.


This film was clearly about eugenuinely getting a life!!!



"Incentive Based Eugenics" Doug Stanhope, Check it out it might just be for you.


You missed the entire non-point of this movie. It was just clean fun- pure and simple. No big statement though a Retardican can always find a statement in just about anything.


quite the opposite, and you are just a troll. Nice try though.
Overpopulation issue is obvious and we should stop reproduce ourselves like rabbits.
People like you will destroy the planet and need to be tamed.



This film is not a statement either for or against left-wing or right-wing politics. It doesn't have subtle messages about the environmental movement either for or against. It's just a portrayal of what someone does when they have an opportunity and desire to kill a lot of people and lack the moral restraint that the rest of us have.

IMO the population of the Earth is way too large, and needs to be reduced to be sustainable. But of course I don't want that reduction to be violent or oppressive. You are tarring anyone who wants a more balanced, saner, more habitable world with higher quality of life all round with the brush of violent, racist, murderous eugenics. As others have already stated you are totally delusional in portraying eugenics as a typically left-wing movement. It had historically been right-wing as it is associated with hierarchy and privilege and reactionary and discriminatory values.
