1.1 IMDB rating...

Lulz, is the show even out yet? Possibly screened? Surprised people can put reviews or even ratings before a show is released if it were out.


IMDb triggered their anti-manipulation algorithms and the vote weights are readjusted.

Come on, people. It is lame to rate a movie solely based on its politics and maybe without even watching it. It is like rating Leni Riefenstahl's movies 1 because they are Nazi propaganda. If you are so irritated by it (like I am), just ignore it.


In a nutshell: iMDB gave the show the score the hell they wanted, and the funny thing is that they called it "user score" 😂 😂 😂


No. It is how they proceed in such cases. It is on their FAQ

IMDb publishes weighted vote averages rather than raw data averages. The simplest way to explain it is that although we accept and consider all votes received by users, not all votes have the same impact (or 'weight') on the final rating.

When unusual voting activity is detected, an different weighting calculation may be applied in order to preserve the reliability of our system. To ensure our rating mechanism remains effective, we don't disclose the exact method used to generate the rating.

And I won't call it a particularly good rating for TV series.

This mechanism is still not applied to Gully (2019) though... And a bunch of superhero movies.


If you pick the votes, you can get whatever score you want. Picking votes is as good as making up the score.

The show has been review-bombed, that's true. Gully had the same problem. Some recent movies and series have the opposite problem: the score is boosted by farmbots. It seems that now the base score for a Netflix/Disney/HBO/Similar show must be an 8. They don't seem interested in fixing it neither.

I'm not saying that they iMDB should display the average of votes. Just warn the score is compromised and don't display it. That'd be fair. Cherry picking votes and making up the score you want is just a joke. What credibility does it have? What credibility does it give to other movies scores?


The do say that the rating is adjusted because of shenanigans if you go to the rating details. I told them on their community board that they should make it visible on the title page. IMDb should be completely open about this, because rating manipulation is a thing and one of the main reason people open their website is to see the rating of a particular movie.

Adjusting the weights to counter manipulation is not effective. They should reset the score and disable voting for some time. Or at least remove all votes from new accounts, because it is obvious that they were open to manipulate the rating. Just look at Anne Boleyn's user reviews - significant portion of them is from fresh accounts.


It aired Jun 1-3. The adjusted score is 6.9, but 88% are 1* and 8% are 2*. You have to throw those out to get 6.9.

The featured review is a fake 1*: https://www.imdb.com/user/ur133286485/?ref_=tt_urv


OTOH Loki is 9.1, higher than Mandalorian at 8.8. Lots of overrated teen anime also.


Troll brigades activated.
