MovieChat Forums > Passengers (2016) Discussion > What would you have done?

What would you have done?

1. Accept your fate and live a happy but lonely life (what actually happened in the movie)
2. Wake everyone else up and have make it into a lively city of people
3. Other things?




Yeah honestly it'd be pretty nice to have the whole ship to yourself (I'm not even sure I would've woke up the girl tbh). But I guess after a few years you'd just get bored, eh?

After thinking about it some more, I'd consider waking up all of the pilots/crew and have them work together on a viable solution.


Having the entire ship all to yourself is nice, at first, but then what? People are social animals. Even introverts like myself need to interact with someone. It's not just about waking up the opposite desired sex/mate or being bored, it's about having at least 1 person to talk to. You don't even have a pet here to keep you company. Loneliness can psychologically break you, you'd go pretty crazy. The Tom Hanks film Cast Away is a nice representation of loneliness at such a level that he became attached and anthropomorphized a volleyball - Wilson.


I probably would have woken up some of the crew to try and work on a solution.. who is to say that there wasn't one but they didn't wake up the right person who could discover it? He woke up a person who probably knew less than he did (being that he was an engineer and she was an author)..


lol by doing #2 you're killing an entire civilization


No - you're actually saving an entire civilization. Think about it, the ship was having serious issues and was going to explode and kill everyone onboard. If you woke up everyone (including crew/engineers), they could have likely easily fixed the problem then put everyone back to sleep.




Well once that captain guy woke up, you would have access.

Otherwise, it'd probably be easier to break into the crew's quarters vs. the bridge (which is what he tried for a year to do)


Didn't Laurence Fishburne say that they didn't have the equipment to put people back into hibernation on board the ship?


Fair point


Right, but what if you woke everyone up couldn't solve it / put everyone back to sleep? Then you've really killed an entire civilization (the ship only had enough supplies to last for ~4 months)


How can a civilization die when there are living breathing humans everywhere, on Earth and other colonies? It's like Columbus and his ship goes down and thinking an entire civilization went down with it.

One thing to think about before waking every single person are resources, how long can that ship and its resources and oxygen and everything else survive maintaining an keeping 5000 people? You don't know if more than 1 person could be put to sleep, let alone 5000.

It's better to wake a top crew member and have them decide what to do.



It's hard to say because it took him a year to do it. I don't know if I would have woken up a hottie. I probably would have found a crew member capable of explaining the situation. Although once you think it through you're trapped with that person for the rest of your life. Maybe the hottie.


Living and dying alone is a horrible prospect which is why I sympathized with Jim. But I don't think I would've been part of such an expedition alone, with no family, no friends, etc. If I was there with someone, I would've woken them up, I'm sure they would've understood and sympathized with me more than a total complete stranger.

But if I was completely alone, and if I had access to the crew, I would've woken one of them. Perhaps they could figure or decide if something could be done or if others could be woken up as well.

PS. They didn't die of loneliness though, they had each other (unless one died much earlier than the other). But I would've expected them to have had children. They should've at least had 2 to keep each other company and prevent loneliness, and to watch over the ship, just in case. So Jim should've taught the kids or raised them to be engineers.


Step 1: Wake up a girl, do the deed, kill her off once getting bored, throw her into space.
Step 2: Repeat until no female left. Should keep you busy for a couple years.
Step 3: Suicide by self-destructing ship.

Yes, that is sinister, but remember even comedies like Groundhog Day implicated that Murray was actually in the time loop for several hundred years, and knowing nothing will ever happen to him, he had his ways throughout town....

Thinking about it, this could be remade into so much more :)
