MovieChat Forums > Passengers (2016) Discussion > Jim awoken on purpose? (spoilers)

Jim awoken on purpose? (spoilers)

The story reiterates several times that the pods are "100% fail safe", now could it be that the computer had awoken Jim (an engineer) on purpose as a last ditch fail safe attempt, after self reparations were impossible?
Could it be that in the future (like now with metadata) the computers can compile a psychological profile of a human being and find the right human to do the right job and even cause a certain "predestination?"
Now there were 2 people needed to repair the engine (one inside and one outside), could it be that the computer pre planned to awaken Jim who in his turn (due to his psychological profile) would awaken Aurora. Her "profession" came in handy as well being a writer and able to explain to those who would wake up 90 years later what would happen...


That's how I read the film.


Interesting theory but if that were the case surely the self aware ship AI would have told Jim on his awakening why he had been 'chosen'?


Jim could not open the control room doors. If a engineer with proper clearance was woken up he/she would have had enough time to think of a fix. Including bolting down a screw or 2 to keep the venting door open. Presuming venting was the only solution either , with or without enough time. Do like the idea though :)


Nice try though.
You have to wake up somebody with total access otherwise what's the freakin point? Ideally the captain. Then he can wake up whoever he deems necessary.
And saying 100% failsafe is just crazy arrogance. How did humans ever make it that long?!


Cute theory, but the computer would have imedietely opened up two pods and not rely on the human to make a moral choice. (Plus she was a journalist. Not an engineer or scientist) the computer would have opened up two trained crew members instantly once there was a malfunction if your theory is correct.


I had a similar theory. The computer woke Jim because he was a mechanic and the ship needed fixing. The computer only woke one person because it wasn't supposed to wake anyone, but knew somehow that not waking at least one person would mean certain death for everyone.

When after 2 years Jim still hadn't made any improvements, and with impending doom around the corner, the ship woke one of the crew members.

The only thing that didn't make any sense is that the awoken crew member was near death when he woke up. The only explanation we got was that his hibernation pod was messed up. I'm still having trouble with that one.

Another thing, I don't think the computer would have known that Jim would have woken Aurora. That's too much. I think it was just a lucky coincidence that she happened to be awake when it came time to vent the reactor and it took two people.


Another thing, I don't think the computer would have known that Jim would have woken Aurora. That's too much. I think it was just a lucky coincidence that she happened to be awake when it came time to vent the reactor and it took two people.

Not to mention that the ship could have just woken Aurora up itself.

It really is an oversight not to have a hibernation facility on the ship. Firstly, the chances of anything failing are never 0%, let alone a complex machine running on electricity. Secondly, with a hibernation facility on board, the ship would be able wake anyone it wants at any time. The movie demonstrated that there are levels of repair and maintenance that can only be undertaken by humans. Over a hundred years in deep space, there are bound to be emergencies that cannot be predicted, circumvented or overcome by mere software (and/or robots).


Yes agreed. Artistic license though. I mean the whole premise of this movie depends on there not being any way for Jim to go back into hibernation.


I'm about half way through definitely the right psychology. They could have picked him for a mark to try and save the ship.


It would've been nice if they went that route, maybe explain that the computer could not access the crew for whatever reason. But Jim waking Aurora and the computer predicting it is a stretch though.
