The Ending? Spoilers

I don't understand it. What were the writers trying to say? Why didn't she get out?


The Father left the car running while his daughter was in the car, right at the end the frame is held on the car still running. My assumption was always that he had killed her unknowingly.


first of all, it is impossible to get out of a car trunk. there's no button or latch you can use from inside.

second of all, it is definitely compelling that she is trapped even once she's escaped. forever trapped.



i think we see in one scene that the father had botles with water she can live there some days we do not know if she escaped,or if they found her..


I'm curious whether she 1.couldnt get out of the trunk(you would have seen/heard the trunk move at the end if she was trying to get out), 2.bled to death or 3.suffacated in the trunk of the car at the end.
Or maybe she was found by the father and killed off screen.




I think the film was an allegory to the miseducation of children by parents who provide their children the wrong ideas and ethics for them to progress into their own lives in tomorrows society. The nature of this miseducation makes children rebel as they cant see an eventual way out as their parents design is actually to never let their children be totally independent and self sufficient. The children rebel and attempt to face the outside world (society) one after the other on their own terms, but when they do they realize that they don't meet the requirements to survive as in be free, independent,sane(they don't have the car keys). Great film!


y does nobody thinks she got captured by his father again,which is the most plausable ending!!
first she cant bled to death from the jaw
second a vehicle that old definitely doesnt hav an air tight truck so she cant suffocate in it
third point of the car being in the sun ,yeah she wod be a severely dehydrated from being in it but as the movie implies the dad wod definitely open the truck sometime in the day and she wod be discovered,probably unconscious, but alive most probably
though on the other hand he could kill her and take her body to the reinforce the idea that outside=death



Has it not occurred to anyone here that she may have bled to death in the trunk? There are numerous possibilities, and, don't get me wrong (I'm no doctor) but she did sustain pretty serious injuries. If they weren't serious enough to cause severe bleeding, then I'm sure bashing yourself in the face repeatedly with a 5 pound weight could possibly cause some sort of head injury or a concussion at the very least.

I'm trying to keep an open mind about the ending of this movie. I only finished it.....10 minutes ago so I'm sure my opinion will change pretty frequently over the next few weeks. At the moment, I'm leaning towards death by suffocation (though death by external injuries has clearly crossed my mind). I haven't really decided when her death takes place but I think she was determined enough to make a run for it as soon as the coast was clear. The fact that in the end scene, the director chose not to add any scuffling or movement coming from the inside of the trunk says to me (personally) that she was already dead.

I really like reading everyone else's opinions! Our outlooks are all very different but it just goes to show you that Dogtooth did it's job. It was thought provoking, and it took us one step further towards restoring film as an art-form, rather than a cash-grab. Films like this should be celebrated!

"I grew this mustache" - Salvador Dali


it doesnt matter how har she hit her face the most damage she cod do wod be break her jaw and there isnt and major blood vassels that can cause her death before the body can stop the bleeding itself...
the most plausible option is her father caught her in a very dehydrated state



So we conclude she entered the trunk without any idea of how to get out?

She became a little manic during the dance and smashing her tooth was not conducive to clear thinking but she seemed to have a clear plan about how to leave. There was no checking of the gate or climbing onto roofs to scale the compound walls.

The car was part of her small world so I would have expected her to have some knowledge of its operation.

If she entered the car boot in full knowledge that her father would have to open it then maybe she had a plan to create a commotion to get past him.

The last thing the father said was he would pick up the dog. Was that as a companion for the rejected Aggeliki? Had he realised where she was and that the pairing off of her siblings was at the root of her rebellion?


She was dead, either bled to death, froze or suffocated.


lol, froze.

We've met before, haven't we?

