The Ending? Spoilers

I don't understand it. What were the writers trying to say? Why didn't she get out?


My first thoughts is that shes pretty much stuck there and maybe, quite possibly, she died from blood lost or eventually she will.


There is no escape for her. Whether she is already dead, soon to die, or soon to be discovered by Daddy is not the point. Her parents' deceptions (and the Mother is no innocent in the evil charade) have rendered the children incapable of functioning in society.

To finally understand that I am gazing at illusions upon the wall of the cave is a far cry from escaping the cave.




Or maybe she was just waiting for the dogtooth to grow back.


i think the father will go pick up the dog, go back home, discover her in the trunk, punish her and then phase 3 (of the movie) begins: the law of the dog. the movie shows us a particular moment of their lives (when they are in their 18/20s (i guess?) ) and how the parents deal with the obstacles to achieving their dream (to have protected innocent children untainted by the outside world and evil) it's all escalation.

it's a dirty world Reich, say what you want


i dont remember if i posted before about this but yeah either she gets stuck in there and dies and when the father decides to go get groceries and opens the trunk in the middle of town with a corpse in there someone will probably notice and some serious shyte will go down. thats about the only theory i could think of because like some said, she probably has no idea how to open in and its pretty much impossible from the inside anyways. great film though.

If you do good, you'll see me one more time. If you do bad, you'll see me.. two more times.


if she dies ,obviously they will find her know ,the smell


Wow I'm shocked by all these theories. To me it's pretty obvious that she was just waiting for her father to use his car to go to work the next morning and then bang on the trunk from the inside until somebody gets her out. She's not gonna suffocate after 5-6 hours in the trunk. As far as I'm concerned it ended in a positive note because she's about to see the outside world.


IN my opinion, she definitely dies in that trunk. It is a trunk and she won't be able to get out. Plus she had been there all night and then the car was left running. However, I think something has been forgotten in this thread. Her father is eventually going to open that trunk... And she is covered in blood from bashing her face (tooth) in with a free weight. I think the "happy ending" is the possibility that her father gets busted on that account. The "twin" brother that was killed by the cat was fake... fake blood... no body to get rid witnesses etc.

Anyway, that's my thought on it... The Eldest dies in a way unknowingly that may quite possibly end the entire cycle.
