MovieChat Forums > Cop Out (2010) Discussion > My apologies to Kevin Smith and everyone...

My apologies to Kevin Smith and everyone else involved...

I wish I went to go see this opening weekend instead of waiting to rent it. I should have had more faith instead of judging the movie based on the terrible trailers and overbearing advertising that made me sick of the movie before I saw it.

Cop out was a great movie especially for a fan of the 80s/90s buddy cop genre. It was full of great homages (pronounced with a soft 'h') to films like Lethal Weapon, Running Scared, 48 Hours, and Beverly Hills Cop.

And quite contrary to what everyone else on this board is saying, I thought it was pretty damn funny. Spoiler, the scene where Sean William Scott's character falls and breaks his neck after the hard core action movie bad-ass buildup with 'Black Betty' playing in the background forced me to pause the movie until I stopped laughing.

I laughed enough to enjoy it as a comedy and it was well-made and well-acted enough to stand alone as a buddy cop movie. Not to mention that Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan had excellent chemistry; a 21st century Riggs and Murtaugh. Solid flick in my book.


THANK you! This movie was really good. I finished it feeling more satisfied than I have after most recent movies


just saw it tonight for the first time and i feel the same. laughed my ass off


I agree with everything you said.
Cop Out may be one of the funniest movies of 2010.

Seann William Scott = Sexiness <3



Nice respect for other's opinion. So you call retard to someone because you don't share his opinion? I guess you might be some kind of genious or something, congratulations.

I just finished watching it, and I must say that it's great fun, reminds me of Lethal Weapon and that kind of movies that lately we are missing.


I think the premise of the movie was great. I enjoyed everything except tracy morgan. I think he has the intellectual aptitude of a deflated tire. I don't understand how bruce willis didn't beat him to death with a prop gun while filming.


Just saw this on AMC. Your problem is Tracy Morgan's stock-in-trade character is the childish, loudmouth buffoon. It's his CHARACTER not what he's actually like. And as a comedic device the character is funny as hell. He's loud, simple, and passionate in low IQ sort of way. Think Zack Galifianakis' stock character; sort of similar.

The scene where he gets into a wrestling match with and then shoots the malo vato nine times, and then turns the pistol around and threatens to beat the dead man with the butt of the gun had me rolling on the floor. I'm not sure why I find Morgan's character so funny, but I do.

Watta ya lookn here for?


I thought Tracy Morgan was awful in this. Obnoxious and annoying.


Just saw this on AMC. Your problem is Tracy Morgan's stock-in-trade character is the childish, loudmouth buffoon. It's his CHARACTER not what he's actually like. And as a comedic device the character is funny as hell. He's loud, simple, and passionate in low IQ sort of way. Think Zack Galifianakis' stock character; sort of similar.

The scene where he gets into a wrestling match with and then shoots the malo vato nine times, and then turns the pistol around and threatens to beat the dead man with the butt of the gun had me rolling on the floor. I'm not sure why I find Morgan's character so funny, but I do.

Watta ya lookn here for?


Because those "opinions" are paid for. There is NO WAY here are multiple pepe who have THAT bad a sense ofhumor.


Mark Tarnovetsky Photography :

Since respect means nothing, What a bunch of *beep* pictures.


Except the difference is those pictures weren't nearly as horrible as this unoriginal pile of crap. Kevin Smith cashed in...

And made garbage.





You make movies?



hat's very rude, Mark. Clearly they are retarded -- show some kindness.

"To be or not to be." That's not really a question.- Jean-Luc Godard


I just want to say I don't wish to argue with you at all. I am glad you enjoyed the movie, I just wish I was in your boat. I really do because I love Tracy Morgan, Bruce Willis and Kevin Smith.

I expected this movie to be very very funny, but what I got was something of a misfire. The jokes seemed to fall flat 90% of the time, but the other 10% (the scenes with Sean William Scott) were midly ammusing. That dude is hilarious.

All I can think is that Kevin Smith was not the right director (or editor) for this film. I understand he wanted to try to do a Big 80s byddy cop movie hommage (pun intended), but maybe he would be better off writing one instead of directing it? I was just disappointed, and think maybe he should try and stay away from action is all.

Also, I could not believe that a woman could be trapped in the trunk of a car for 2 days and have it go unnoticed by the car thieves and the guy who would eventaully end up with the car. Let this be a leasson to everyone here, if you are buying a car, open the trunk. There might be a hot chick in there, lol. Just seemed to be a bit of a stretch. That is the type of thing Kevin Smith the writer would never have let squeek by. He is too smart to think the audience would buy into that. That is also the problem with Smith as the director, his audience comes with him, and sometimes that is a good thing. In the case of Cop Out, it wasn't a positive as most of them were disappointed. That's all, but I am glad you liked it.



Are you a time traveler?



I have no doubt that Transformers 3 will suck. After the first one was released, Bay is on the blogosphere saying stuff like "I want to learn from my mistakes when we make the sequel", which of course didn't happen. Now, Bay is saying the same thing "I will learn from my mistakes from Transformers 2" but we all know history has a habit of repeating. That said, there is no way Cop Out was worse than Transformers 2 (probably not even worse than Transformers 1), so since they are getting progressively worse, there is no possible way it can be worse than T3. All in all, I was not too impressed with Cop Out. I could not quite put my finger on why. The jokes sounded funny in my head, but they did not entice laughter when spoken by the actors. But I still don't feel the actors did wrong. The score is written by a composer very well known for his 80's action scores. I felt the directing was fine, the photography was fine, the editing was fine, but it just didn't amount to much regardless. I'd give it a 6/10, when the Transformers franchise hasn't peeked a variant of 4.



I got about 30 minutes into this Movie before i had to turn it off.I was hoping it would get better, but it only got worse for me.

I agree with Renton444 - Most of the Jokes fell flat.The actors just didn't come across naturaly funny.

As much as i like Bruce Willis, he didn't seem right at all in this movie.



To be honest I found it hard to get into this film. It just seemed like running tribute to the cop buddy movie, and that, for me, lead it to becoming a cliche. Which is frustrating because I thoroughly enjoy just about everything Kevin Smith does. I mean, perhaps it's just for that reason that I didn't enjoy this nearly as much as I have done his previous work. I knew the premise and the cast before watching it, but I was hoping the commercials had hidden the usual high jinks we get from Kevin Smith films... We expect dirty humour, outrageous characters and clever plots, but what we had here was an attempt to re-awaken the genre of comedy cop-buddy action films. However, this means we have to compare it to films such as 48 Hours (the original comedy cop-buddy action film that started it all off), Bad Boys and Lethal Weapon. And I'm afraid, in my opinion it just missed the mark on everything from script, to characters, to action, to acting and to photography/direction. Again, I like Bruce Willis' work up till now. But I just couldn't relate to his character whatsoever and didn't feel invested in his life at all, and Tracy Morgan is once again just type cast in this film and, for me, doesn't fit into the genre in the slightest.

Still, I wouldn't say I wasn't entertained over the last 2 hours or so, was just a little disappointed. Still, I might go ahead and watch Clerks again in a minute..!



I just don't like seeing Kevin Smith direct a mainstream movie with a budget. And particularly this kind of movie, it seems outside of his experience. It's really different than anything he has directed. Even as a comedy.

It's comedy is completely different from Dogma, Clerks, etc, etc.


Yeah I totally agree, this was just a classic cop movie. They don't make it like this anymore.

"Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito"


Not funny, annoying, clichéd, predictable, all in all not a good movie to spend your cash on. I didn't even know the director was the same as Die Hard 4... it seems like here he fell asleep on the job. So glad i didn't have to pay to watch this.


wtf was up with the track?! it sounded like a retarded kid from the 80's just kept banging on the keyboard. The villain was not believable one bit - he just looked ... pathetic ... overacting ... *beep* in his pants type of guy ...

reply the OP.......what a pathetic cockgobbler


Can't believe anyone would rave about this lame movie. Maybe their idea of funny is Tracy Morgan screaming as loud as he can, but for most of takes a little more. Maybe, like, a funny script?

Is it just me or did Bruce Willis have a look on his face the entire movie that he'd much rather be somewhere else?


Well I believe it, and I'm not prepared to bash them. But damn I found this movie horrible. It's pretty tiresome to see Morgan do the same thing over and over again. And yes, I felt exactly the same way about Willis looking like he wished he was somewhere else.

Focker, out.


No matter what role I see Tracy Morgan in, I never feel anything other than: this is Tracy Morgan playing a __________; I never think he's actually that person, you know, like real actors do.



Bruce played it OK, Sean William Scott always a giggle. Tracy Morgan is just *beep* annoying, talentless, shouty moron (an ugly, fat, un-funny version of Chris Rock) and he ruined what little credibility this movie was given by the other actors.

But maybe I missed the best parts - I turned it off after 45 minutes and lamented the purchase of the DVD - I guess there's a reason it was in the bargains section.
