MovieChat Forums > Suicide Squad (2016) Discussion > So it's common acceptance how to rate th...

So it's common acceptance how to rate the Jokers. Right?

Pretty sure everyone's in agreement with the Joker portrayals:

Heath Ledger >>>Jared Leto >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Jack Nicholson

Glad the movies and characters have been improved over the years. Nothing can top Heath but Jared is miles better than the Jokers of old. 



Ledger represented pure chaos, Hamill was evil and joy mixed together, Romero was ridiculous but representative of the joker in comics at that time, Nicholson was Nicholson with makeup on, and Leto was a random gangster calling himself the joker.

And before OP says that you can't count a cartoon character:

1. This is a subjective comparison of a character that originated in comic books, a cartoon fits right in there.
2. You can reject it as much as you like, but judging by the number of people tossing him in the ring you're fighting a losing battle and are in the minority.
3. You rejected both the cartoon and the original tv series. No one else seems to care about your arbitrary rules.
4. Your avatar picture is Bart Simpson. You're calling other posters immature for liking a cartoon version of a character while portraying yourself as a cartoon character.


lol cartoons.



I don't like Nicholsons Joker too much but he was way better than the terrible, vomit inducing Leto.

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In fairness, while watching the extras for Suicide Squad, something occurred to me. In interviews, Leto talked about wanting to find a completely different angle so as to avoid too much comparison to Ledger. Ledger was notoriously involved in the character, to the point of going to therapy and having sleep issues and who knows what else. Then I realized, knowing he couldn't top the performance, maybe Leto simply decided to be more notorious for the method.


And is still better than that washed up Nicholson.


Love for Jared's Joker!


I don't think that's common acceptance at all. A lot of people rate Jack Nicholson's Joker highly.

You're allowed to have a different opinion to what is common opinion, so there's no point in pretending everybody agrees with it.


I honestly never rated Nicholsons Joker highly. I thought he was just being Jack Nicholson. Not that Nicholson is a bad actor or anything, but when you look at Heath Ledger and you see some of his previous movies, you would never expect him to be chosen to play the Joker. I certainly said 'What the fuck..?' on hearing Ledger had got the part. Nicholson seemed to fit the character already so no real effort to play the part. I thought Leno did a good job too, so agree the the OP.
