MovieChat Forums > Suicide Squad (2016) Discussion > Suicide Squad has won over twice the num...

Suicide Squad has won over twice the number of awards as CA: Civil War

Critics hate Suicide Squad and thinks everything the MCU poops out, primarily the films, is a masterpiece. Captain America: Civil War is apparently one of the best movies of the year. That's of course what the site Rotten and every avid online Marvel fan wants people to believe. Of course many of these Marvel fans would have a hard time defending the MCU films lack of story, lack of character development or lack of anything that actually makes sense in a story perspective as oppose to a business/pandering perspective like "the fanboys love seeing these heroes beat each other up, so lets through a shameless fight" or "we need a villain or a new teammate, so lets have this characters flip flop between sides for no reason whatsoever". It really says it all when I compare the MCU films to the Transformers films and they have a hard time denying the major similarities both franchises share.

Then it's no surprise the only comeback these people are capable of making is bringing up Rotten to emphasize how much of a masterpiece the MCU films are. Well there's already a bunch of things I can bring up to point out how big of an idiot anyone who can't give their own reasons and needs to cites Rotten is. The first being is you can't even give any reasons for why the MCU films is such a masterpiece. All the other reasons is how much of a joke the site Rotten is. Okay they only ever bring up the Tomato meter. Which is the site's own rating. The critics tallied score is the one under the title "average rating". Evidently many people are too stupid to even know how to read what should be a simple page. Even more telling is that Rotten's own scores for MCU films is always 20-30% higher than the actual critic tally while their score for competing comic book studios tends to be 20-30% lower than the actual critics tally too with exceptions here and there. I see Rotten has a liking for kissing the MCU's ass.

Then we get to the critics themselves who are all hand selected. If anyone ever bothered to look up the reviews themselves (if people are too stupid to even read a page properly, they sure as hell didn't do this), some might notice certain critics reviews are omitted and not included. Yeah this is not a coincidence. As if the tomato meter by itself was suspicious enough. Furthermore who says Rotten is such a reliable site? I only ever hear about it because crybabies keep on bringing it up to justify their fave movies. Can Rotten's exposure somehow be linked to it's parent company(s) wanting to push the site to help build promotion for their films and TV shows? Why yes that does seem like the case. Oh what? You're actually dumb enough to think a site as big as Rotten was created by some guy with too much spare time in his bedroom and became an overnight success? Really, you actually thought this?

Though the biggest joke here isn't even that they don't know how to read a page or figure out the true motives behind sites like Rotten or why you're even putting so much stock in a site with the word "Rotten" in it's title, but their belief that critics can't be bought out and laughs at such ideas. Erm, okay you idiots obviously don't know this, but a "professional" critic by definition is someone who's being paid and funded by a bigger media company. How do you think someone becomes a professional critic and how they get represented by media companies? Seriously I like to know this. Are "professional" critics robots who don't feel pain. Who can't be bargained with. Who can't be reasoned with. Who doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And they absolutely will not stop... ever, until they gave what they thought is the perfect analysis and review? Then what happens after that? Does the magical sky fairy brings down all their needs and informs them they can continue on being "professional" critics some more?

Anyways lets cut to the chase. If any of what Rotten is trying to sell is true, anyone want to explain to me how Suicide Squad has won over twice the amount of awards Captain America Civil War has? Furthermore all of CA: Civil War's awards (all 4 of them) are fan awards like Kid's Choice or Teen's Choice while Suicide Squad is the only one among the two to have actually won awards picked by the critics among them Critics Chioce Award and Academy Award. I indeed smell something rotten here.
