MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > #itthemovie Instagram Page Is Weird

#itthemovie Instagram Page Is Weird

Every last detail coming out about this production is just weird.

I bothered to check out their Instagram page. It's an incredibly profuse amount of sometimes painstakingly retouched photos of the young actors -- not as their characters, but just hanging out doing random sht. And with a particular focus on the kid playing Richie Tozier for some reason. I get it, the photographer's got a throbbing red hairy wet jill-on for the kid, good for her.

I know it's a social media page, and it's expected that its content would be kind of frivolous and silly like most of them are. But this isn't, like, some twentysomething hairdresser's Twitter page about her cat, it's the official Instagram page for the movie!

It's got the feel of a doting female camp counselor who can't stop taking pictures of the kids in her care. It made me uncomfortable actually, like I'm getting to know the actors more than I'd like to. If I cared about them that much, I'd try to befriend them on their personal Facebook pages. I don't do that. Why? Don't give a sht.

It also makes plain that the kids... I dunno man, they just don't look right. The kid who plays Tozier, I at first couldn't tell if he was Beverley in one of the pictures. "Bev" looks masculine. "Stan" looks like... Some pissed-off ginger. These are CHARACTERS they are playing, and they all just look like a random bunch of kids (except "Ben").

Look I don't want to insult the actors, I'm sure they are all exceptionally talented. I just think they're miscast.

Yeah it looks well-produced, I'm sure the sets and props will be of the highest quality. But to say that is to miss the point. It may be high quality, but it's not Stephen King's "It." It's a well-produced thing that has a few things similar to "It."

So says the media clairvoyant. Heed my words peasants, and... gargle not of the diarrhea of mediocrity... duh.





What IG page are you referring to? is actually fairly well curated.

Some new fan art, btw:



While I love catching the pics and short vids from the set for IT, I will admit something I do find annoying is checking the hashtag for ItTheMovie and finding mainly Stranger Things related posts. I get that Finn is playing Richie in the film and people are trying to get their posts popular, but It and Stranger Things shouldn't be linked together as much as people have been making it on the site.

To me it makes more sense to hashtag something as StrangerThings if it's related to, you know, Stranger Things. And if it's related to IT, then hashtag it as such. Just seems like it would be easier to keep them separated.

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews


I know, because no one cares about making a good movie, they're just riding the gravy train. "hurrr who's Stephen King? I dunno but oooh look it's Finn from Stranger Things! duhhhh"

i get it, everyone making movies in Hollywood is an insufferable turd who values networking far above good filmmaking, but i just can't help but get a little offended when they take a modern classic and use it as part of their propaganda that everyone in the world should behave like spoiled thirteen year olds.


Right, and what I don't want is for Finn or Stranger Things to overshadow IT in the long run. Finn's a great actor, Stranger Things was a lot of fun, the makers even wanted to do their own take on IT and got denied and Stranger Things is sort of the result of which. So I mean, I get it. But at the same time, it's easy enough to post something about Finn and leave the #itthemovie tag off, if it's not related to the movie and more about Stranger Things.

When I check the hashtag, I'm hoping to find stuff about the movie. Cool behind the scenes photos and whatnot. Not that Finn and his ST castmates are out for dinner. It's got nothing to do with IT, and that's what bugs me.

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews


Don't you have shame to hate a child?


we're not hating anybody. we're expressing dislike for Hollywood basically selling us a false bill of goods.


You're loony toons, lady.


I'm not sure if you were meaning to reply to me, because I expressed no hatred of any kind for Finn Wolfhard. My complaint is just that people keep tagging Stranger Things with the #ItTheMovie hashtag on instagram, trying to link them together when they shouldn't be. They both star Finn, sure, but they're different projects.

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews


I do not think you should bother with it. I bet many people will watch this film because of Finn and Stranger Things.


Sure they will, if they enjoyed Stranger Things and see that the actor from that is in IT, they'll see it. But what I'm getting at is, the two shouldn't be connected by hashtags. They share the same actor, they're both set in the 80's, they have some similarities, but they're still separate entities and should be treated as such.

I mean, the director also directed the film "Mama" yet people aren't hashtagging "IT THE MOVIE" if they share an image from his previous film. Why? Because they're not the same thing, they've got nothing to do with each other.

What does Finn meeting back up with his Stranger Things co-stars, have to do with IT?

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews


#itthemovie is a tag not an account. You can go tag your snap of smashed avocados on toast with #itthemovie if you feel inclined and that will show up too.


my smashed avocados? oh A HUH HUH HUH HUH I BE INSULTED
