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Did Anyone Have a Henry Bowers in Their Life?

I've never had a bully in my life quite as sadistic as Henry Bowers, but I did know a kid who was similar to him back in high school. The kid never went to class so he either dropped out or got expelled, and then managed to fail out of a trade school for welding. He was racist beyond all belief and hated anyone who was not white, and a friend told me his family was the same way. He had been known to make racist comments during classes and end up getting kicked out. If he was drunk or high enough he was known to actually even threaten minorities before. Eventually he was arrested for something having to do with drugs, and then got sent to a rehab. I remember the day he came back to town he started doing heavy drugs again, and he told me he went around with random people slashing tires the night before while high. A friend also told me this kid went around a local cemetery pushing over headstones, which ended up making the news. I remember hanging around playing video games with this guy, and he would say things like: "Hey, where's that stupid cat? I want to set it on fire!" Henry Bowers did not do drugs in the book, but this kid had many similarities to him besides that. It's very unpleasant being around people like this, but I feel like many of us have had the experience.


Yes. There was a group of bullies in my childhood neighborhood. The "Henry" was named Lance. Him and his friends once forced my friends brother off the road when riding bikes. He went head first into a brick mailbox. Another time they shot BBs at another friends brother. They use to set dangerous traps in the surrounding woods. Lance had set one and I was talking towards it. One of the bullies actually stopped me. He warned me and said he didn't want to hurt girls. I was a tomboy and kinda ticked off but I could see he was nice. This trap would have caused a thin tall tree to hit me according to the bully.

That's I really remember of them but one did make sexual remarks at my friends and I. He was a creepy and a big guy for 13 or 14. I didn't like being around him.


I remember hanging around playing video games with this guy, and he would say things like: "Hey, where's that stupid cat? I want to set it on fire!" Henry Bowers did not do drugs in the book, but this kid had many similarities to him besides that. It's very unpleasant being around people like this, but I feel like many of us have had the experience.

So you were basically one of the kids who hung around with Henry Bowers. Hopefully, you didn't jerk him off while lighting your own farts.

Due to the lack of moderators, trolls can ruin the IMDB message boards. Don't feed them.


We had one in middle school, but he was black, not white. Huge, mean, and deeply stupid. I mean, he was grown man size; tipped the scales at over 270 pounds. He'd been held back a couple of times. He would attack people for no reason, and everyone was afraid of him...even the teachers. Always wondered what happened to him. Hopefully he got his sh!t together and turned it around, but if not, I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn he was dead or in prison.

Whores will have their trinkets.


I had a few female bullies. One was this fat chick, Tracey. I was scared of her, partly because she was twice my size and could have sat on me and suffocated me, but also because she was really agro. She smacked me in the head on the school bus once for no reason. There was another fat chick, Ida... girl was ugly as sin. She made my life hell for 2 years of high school. Eventually one of her friends told me she was intimidated by me from the beginning because I transferred into the school (which was very small) in mid-year and she was afraid I'd become more popular than her. So she immediately started a bunch of rumors about me so no one would like me, and of course would threaten to beat me up at least once a day. I did get lucky enough to befriend this badass, super butch girl who was 2 years older... Ida wouldn't *beep* with her, so when she was around I was safe. lol

So, fat chicks didn't like me much, I guess.

The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.


I learned this week that the nasty kid I used to know is now a heroin addict. According to my friend he's overdosed twice, and helped to get a friend hooked on dope.


That's kinda funny, just because a few years after I graduated high school I ran into another classmate who lived near that girl Ida and he told me she was doing a bunch of drugs. A number of people I knew in high school are dead now because of drugs. One kid whose own mom got him hooked on heroin - that sucked, cause he was really cool and he tried so many times to get clean, but in the end he OD'd. Another friend who OD'd the first time he tried smack. Another guy, not really a friend of mine (he dated my friend for years and treated her like sht so I hated him) but in the same circle, who wandered into the street when he was high a couple years ago and got hit and killed by a car. I've been known to partake of weed and some psychedelics over the years, but you couldn't pay me to touch heroin, ever.

The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.


The first day I started high school, I was really shy and timid. To make a straight point, as soon as this ass**le saw me he gave me an intimidating shout- "What's your name, fa**ot?!" This prick started his advance fairly quickly, because by the next day I was sitting down having lunch and out of the blue him and about 10 of his degenerate mates ambushed me. As I understood that they wanted to pumble the sh*t out of me I ran and got to a teacher in time. There's much more to this, but I'll get to what I think is a satisfying conclusion. I made many friends after high school, now have a good job and would be fair to say that this prick now is on crystal meth and selling his ass for cash- amongst other things. And as I live in the same city, I can only guess if he saw he again he would over-estimate himself and try to *beep* with me. But I would just say two things to him in a clear voice- 1. I am not your "bitch" anymore, that ended over 16 years ago. And No. 2 (A grave warning)- "If you put a single finger on me, you could have a dozen more of your mates join in and I'll still enjoy putting you all in the nearest Intensive Care Unit with cracked skulls. Hell, after I'm finished I'll give you a free ride to the hospital myself!" Bullies make me want to projectile vomit. Yep, that was probably the Henry Bowers of my life. Now look who's laughing!😄

"That's it. It bit into his arm-pit. Like It wanted to eat him, man. Like It wanted to eat his heart."


...But if I did see him again and he apologised for what he put me through all those years, I would forgive him. "It's all good, man. I accept your apology." I'm not one to hold a grudge if I'm given a reason not to.

"That's it. It bit into his arm-pit. Like It wanted to eat him, man. Like It wanted to eat his heart."


I never had a serious bully problem, and certainly none of the ones I came into contact with were as sadistic as Henry Bowers. There were people at my high school that certainly had reputations for doing horrible things but I always maintained a distance from violent people, as I was somewhat on the timid side lol.

There was one guy, Ryan, who was in my older sisters grade that was rumoured to have microwaved a cat, I still don't know if that is true or not, but I did meet him one day through friends of friends and just said hello, to which he replied the same, lol. That was my only encounter with him, I never knew what he looked like until then and was surprised how short he was, not a small kid, but definitely not a big unit either.

Our school bus ride home was always a nerve wracking experience because we had a bunch of dickheads always throwing stuff at people towards the front of the bus, mostly sandwiches and light weight stuff, but eventually it turned into apples and hard fruit that was thrown pretty fricken hard and would do a lot of damage, and believe me they aiming to hit as well. The bus company ended up complaining and threatened to stop the bus from running unless the school did something about the trouble makers, but that never happened. One bus driver had a gut full one day and blasted some of those kids verbally, but they just replied "shut up you fat *beep* then he turned the bus around and dropped us all back at the school. One kid pried open the back door and jumped out at about 50 km because he was the one who was identified as the main offender, his name was Ryan as well, but he got away with a busted ankle for his troubles, but escaped punishment because we were all too scared to name drop lol.

Don't put the devil in the picture, cause' the religious groups won't wanna see it.
