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Fans of the novel - initial reactions to mini-series

I actually saw the mini-series before I read the book. Just wondering because of the hysteria over this new adaption, what did fans of the novel innitially think when seeing commercials and pictures for the 1990 mini-series?


I watched the mini-series first. I just read the book for the first time over summer. Book is much better.



I was about ten when It came out, and I remember being scared by it. It did motivate me to read the book years later, and it wasn't until watching some of the series on youtube that I realized how poor the mini series was.


First I read the novel and then saw the miniseries. What a dissapointment, it didn't do the book justice.


I saw the series before I read the novel. I loved the first half of the show, but the other half did not live up to the expectations.


I read the book this summer too and it was wonderful! Yet I still love the original movie. I'm excited for this one too.


Why do people keep calling the made for TV miniseries a movie? I truly don't understand how some can't make the distinction.


First half was good enough for a TV movie of a very explicit book, second half isn't as good. Although I like the score at the end


I liked it. I loved the book, but I liked the miniseries. I think the things I liked about it tend to be the stuff most the people did and still do, like the soundtrack. I have no shame in admitting I have it on my ipod. Tim Curry played a great Pennywise for the miniseries, though I feel as if he made the role his own and that it just wasn't Pennywise from the book. I feel like a lot of the characters were that way, honestly. And like many others, I did definitely enjoy part 1 to part 2. A lot was changed, it was TV-appropriate, and that means deviating very far from the book. Instead of Eddie encountering the leper, we have him taking a shower after a scene where he just said how much he wished summer would never end. That kind of stuff bugged me. But I do praise the younger cast. JB's Henry Bowers, albeit more tame than Psycho Henry in the novel, did good with his role. But even the director and adult actors had a whole list of complaints about the 2nd half, the commentary makes the miniseries much more interesting. I think they did the best with what they could do, which wasn't much. It wasn't the most horrible Stephen King adaptation I've ever seen, though.

"Stay Bloody!" - Seth from Blood Puddle Reviews


As many others here, I read the book after being terrified of the mini-series as a child. Reading the book was cathartic. I too, enjoyed Part 1 a lot and the issues with part two are well-documented. the largest issue I had is how silly Pennywise got. He was just a regular old prankster clown and lost all of the creepiness and mystique.
