MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > People are disgusting...

People are disgusting...

The theater I went to see this was full of the worst kinds of people. Loud and obnoxious a-holes. I am done with going to see these movies when it is a full house. Monday night or matinees are the time to see movies like this. People are like animals now.


Yeah I hate it when people can't be quiet in a movie theater. In my showing there were these 3 teenage girls who kept talking loudly and they had their phones out. 25 minutes into the movie I just lost it and yelled at them to shut up. After that they kept quiet but sometimes during a scary scene they would yell oh my god, oh my god! I hate people like that. Just watch your movies at home If you can't be quiet for a couple of hours.


Diarrhea of the mouth.


Yeah totally agree. People are a$$holes that's why I go to a early showing where I am likely to not run into teenagers. Spell check would not let me right out the right word so I had to change the symbols from s to $.


I prefer to go to the 12,1or2 o'clock shows myself. Any movie to me is best with no one other than who came with you in there


It's heaven...


I do not like the idea of being in a movie theatre all by myself. It's generally fun to see a movie with a bunch of other people, anyway, whether one knows them or not.


I feel your pain.

I didn't care for this movie overmuch, and could list reasons why (but that's a different topic for a different thread yeah?). But I do feel like the audience I saw it with was at least part of it. A full house makes for more laughter after the jump scares and general idiocy. It's sad, because when it's a movie that you're anticipating, you want to go asap, and the opening night atmosphere can be fun. But yeah, can also generally ruin the experience for others.


If I went to a movie where someone was being rude I would get beat up and here is how. In the movie if someone was talking I would ask them nicely to please stop. If they told me to fuck off I would probably then come up to them after we got out of the theater and curse them out for messing up my movie. If they are psycho they might get physical and i am pretty small and would not have a chance. Well I am a girl so kind of doubt a guy might try and beat me up but some bigger gal might.


Can't really blame them. It's human nature to act like animals. :p

This is why you should work hard, get rich, and have them work for you like the animals they are. At least you know how it feels when rich people look down on us as if we're like livestock. Once you're at the top of the world your eyes widen to see what humans really are.


I don't have to be rich to see what humans really are.


Imagine thought all those people that were watching the film along with those clown-costumed freaks?! omg that's horrific


The worst is the phone use... there were two late-20-something women in the back row who kept turining on their phone's flashlights to look in their bags and whatever else they were doing... so bad, it really messed ith the mood.

i told them to stop it, they did while making excuses... then did the same thing an hour later... at that point i called security who gave them a small lecture... the movie ended 20 minutes later, but they left a couple of minutes before the end credits as it was clear they wanted to avoid me... I really should have gone to the security the first time and asked for management the second, without even speaking to the troublemakers. We should not let them drive us away from enjoying cinema. Always complain to the management/ask for security.

self centred idiots raised on social media and smart phone use has really made cinema going bad... animals... in the past when people misbehaved in the cinema they knew they were being bad, now they are completely oblivious. they are THAT entitled and socially unaware... matinee movies are still the best option though in commercial cinemas and art-house/independent cinemas are nearly always good.

the large* screens in cinemas are still better quality then home theatre, but i have to admit that a high end home theatre system can give the smaller screen multiplexes a run for their money. especialky as the smaller screens in multiplexes usually have TV style ratios and don't mask the aspect ratios so you get black bars on top and bottom just like when watching a scope movie on your TV at home ;)

* Most multiplexes only have one or two large screens nowadays (either IMAX or scope) and the rest are small and narrow 16:9 type screens to pack more screens in a mall/venue.


I don't want to miss any part of the movie, so I don't complain. I am only going on Monday nights and matinees from now on. I went to see Mother! last weekend and just to hear such dumb comments said loudly by people in the crowd was too much. I know the movie it very polarizing and allegorical, but they really take away the enjoyment from others in the audience. No more of this. Can't take no more. Once again, some people are disgusting.
