MovieChat Forums > IT (2017) Discussion > Shame it was shot in Canada

Shame it was shot in Canada

I like movies set in america to be shot in america. Canada isn't as bad as when they try to pass off Australia as America (which is blatantly obvious to Australians), but maybe to Canadians it is blatantly obvious.

One plus I'll give this movie is that at least the weather was sunny. A lot of Canadian movies look overcast, which also makes me think its not in America.


Have you ever been to Canada? Lol, Toronto is quite sunny. Even in the winter when there’s snow on the ground there can be days with 0 clouds in the sky. Likewise Maine and other parts of the US can be quite cloudy.

Point is, the US and Canada are quite big places with a diverse range of weather (Montreal gets as hot and humid as Atlanta in the summer). I suggest you visit either country some day.


I have now.


There's no overcast in America? That sounds phenomenal.
Canadian here. Only been to the USA less than a handful of times. The times I did go, though, it was basically the same as Canada.

Borderline identical in many ways, at least aesthetically.

Why is it a shame that it was shot in Canada, though? What effect did it have on the movie/story?


I agree completely. Every time I see a movie shot in Canada I'm enraged. Here's Hollywood and its hypocrite leftists bragging that they're for the working stiff and they actually will GO TO ANOTHER COUNTRY in order to save money and keep American workers and economies from making money. A bigger group of a-holes has never existed.


Enraged? How pathetic.


I'm from the UK, but it wouldn't really bother me where a movie was filmed.

It might get a bit distracting if it was filmed somewhere that I recognised whilst being set somewhere else. But even then I think I'd more likely get a kick out of somewhere near where I lived getting on television.


In the '90s when it seemed every other movie and TV show was filmed in Canada it was really obvious it was Canada, and it was annoying, but it seems they're either not filming in Canada these days, or concealing it better because I don't notice it as much. What I found really annoying about the filming in Canada stuff was their law of having to use Canadians only for the cast, so it seemed to be the same dozen or so actors showing up in every movie and TV show over and over. Canada must have been a good place to get into movies in the day because it seemed they didn't have a big pool of actors to choose from.

The worst offender has to be movies and TV shows filmed in New Zealand. The floral and landscape is so unlike anything in America or Europe it looks like it's in an alternate universe America or Europe. I think of "Ash Vs. Evil Dead" and the old Kevin Sorbo "Hercules" series to name two.
